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Everything posted by jfoster

  1. The one thing we had in common was I tried castrol 20-50 and my whine (which doesn't sound like an issue on yours) got ALOT worse. To me the motor doesn't like thick oil. There's alot of folks with more knowledge, but I would try a thinner oil. For my rstd, it runs alot quiter on rotella synthetic 5-30, doesn't shift as smooth but quiter. #2 Has it been greased since you bought it? The rear hub is pretty dry from the factor. Mine had a low speed growl when it started riding two up. Took it in and they (dealer) lubed it up.
  2. Question? Have you guys had a problem with the pipe that was cut loose, rattle inside the muffler?
  3. How is the gearing on it. I had a vtx1300 and found it to be geared to low. At 70 it felt like it was turning 4k rpms. I've heard fuel mileage was really good on the vstar1300.
  4. No problem...waiting on a gasket now. Should have it back by Saturday.
  5. Thanks...bout changing the oil. I seems like 06 was bad year for it. My 06 midnite was loud.
  6. My bad...mine is n the shop and couldn't look at em. Thanks Dave.
  7. I got the ones Bass ProShop carries...yellow. Thinking they would stand out in the rain, I look like a giant bubble bee in the rain, but they work.
  8. Thanks...I'll get it back today or tomorrow and hopefully I'll notice an improvement.
  9. JP cycles sells a clear lense. I've got the custom dynamic led's and if I'm not mistaken they produce a white light.
  10. I dropped my 06 off last week to have the clutch basket replaced. Concerns: If they said they replace it and they didn't. If its possible to mess something up (inexperienced mechanic). Is there a way other than riding it that would indicate that they actually changed it out? Or anything I should pay attention to? I do plan on requesting to see the one that came out of it. Not sure what I'll be looking at. But, do remember seeing a picture with a small "g" on it. Maybe I'm to skeptical of dealer work...tks
  11. Has anyone in the panhandle of Florida heard what the status is on the beaches around Destine? On the bubble whether to cancel our reservations at Grayson the first of June.
  12. I've got my 06 RSTD in the shop right now for the I-basket. Something that may help, works great for me. I got a set of Quite-Ear reuseable earplugs from earplug superstore.com and really like them. They're very comfortable. They're not as sound deading as a standard earplug but FOR ME they completely block out the high frequency of the clutch whine and I can still hear. They're hollow which is to me is very comfortable on the ear canals, no pressure. The main reason I put mine in the shop was I want to try an intercom system and not sure if I could hear with the earplugs. Will see next week. They also sell Silent-Ear...which is filled with a jel. They work like a true earplug and block out everything but, I my ears would get sore after an all day ride.
  13. My 06 does the same thing...dealer said it was the tensioner and nothing to worry about.
  14. I second the speedohealer....no more trying to figure it out. I look at 70 and I'm doing 70, great little device.
  15. I tried it and found no difference in mine. I switched to full synthetic oil, which seems to help alittle more. The one thing I observed with mine...is the thicker the oil the louder the whine. The only downside with the thinner oil, it doesn't shift as smooth. If there's an adverse effect or affect...I'm to the point I could care less. Once the warrant is out its either gonna be sold or traded.
  16. I'm 39 and have never been in a significate crash with over 1 million miles of driving. My wife hates riding with me whether it be in a truck, car, or mc. Her reasoning is she feels like my time is coming and she doesn't want to be with me when it comes. All I can say is, "ok."
  17. I took mine (06 RSTD) to my local glass shop and he cut it down for me for $30. I later replaced it with the clearview...they come in 3 sizes plus they're 4" wider than stock. I tired the tall 21" and didn't like it and also had it cut down with no problems. I found it it better to mark where I wanted it cut and let him do the cutting.
  18. I'm curious to what I'm doing wrong...I've only gotten 13k out of my rear metzler (RSTD). I don't accelerate hard and for the most part one up riding. About the only thing I do that might wear em down is down shifting, which I feel like I'm pretty conservative on that. Trying the E3's next.
  19. I would think 20k...Me personally, I'll run it down to bout 1/32 in the center and change it. (most will probably disagree) Where ever you feel safe. Car tires are recommended at 2/32 and to me 4/32 is alot of tread left in the center to get rid of it, especially for what they cost. On the flip side, I ordered an E3 today. I've gotten bout 13k out of a meztler and it has bout 1/32 left left in the center.
  20. There like having an incorrect speedometer...your always lookin at it wondering whats its going to do, annoying.
  21. I have...I'm thinking they just relabeled it. Its still non-energy conserving. It probably has something to do with the epa requirements on diesel engines.
  22. Don't really care for them....I usually have to override them after I make a turn. I wish I had hazards in my RSTD instead.
  23. On my 06 I've found that the thicker oil makes it worse, 20w-50. Currently using Rotella's synthetic 5w-30 (NON-energy conserving). Alot use Amsoil and Mobile 1.
  24. Mine has almost 19k miles on em...I'm gonna run em till the 26k mile valve adjustment. Seems like everyone has problems after they change them. Seems like there's always one that goes bad is or bad. I will say, it runs very smooth and fuel mileage still avg's around 37 to 40 mpg.
  25. I agree with shipper...they come standard. Did you get your second hand? If so, the previous owner may have swaped it out. Does yours look like the headlight on a Road Star?
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