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Everything posted by jfoster

  1. It wanted to put a small a/c in our bedroom/bath (hottest rooms in the house). The bride is totally against a window unit. Why, I have no idea..retarded. How ate up can one person be.
  2. I've had both a corbin and a mustang....the corbin was hard (bout like a horse saddle) the mustang was firm and to me was more comfortable, but on the RSTD it is was to shallow. Yamaha sells the comfort cruise, from what I heard is made by corbin. Its alittle softer than a traditional corbin and it doesn't have the seam in the center of the seat. I think all 4 (corbin, mustang, ultimate, yamaha) offer a passenger backrest.
  3. Are they (ultimate) a soft seat? Also has anyone had a chance to compare one to a Butler mode or Mustang, to give me some kind of reference.
  4. Dave, it looks like you have the stock seat with the butler mode...if so, my hat's off to you. He makes a bad seat really good, but after 3 hrs I've had enough.
  5. What's the excuse for not addressing the clutch whine since '99? The I basket is not a fix (band-aid). How hard is to up date the rear lighting. What I'm saying is why not address the known issues and make it better. I can live with my RSTD though it is for sale, but I won't up-grade to a RSV for that same reason (whine). I agree, Yamaha makes a quality product, but they don't follow up on it.....
  6. The thing about HD is they're up-grading their bikes. New frame, six speed tranny, more cc's, fi, etc. They're not redesigning the wheel like all metric co's do. Metric co's build one bike and its the same for 10 yrs then they discontinue it. Isn't that what just happened to Chrysler with the pt cruiser. And where they not downed by the automotive industry for that? If Yamaha did the same thing with the Venture, small upgrades every year or so. I think it would attract more buyers and reserve owner loyalty. But, they won't. In a year or two they will discontinue it like everthing else. Not saying quality is an issue, but its that mentality that I think hurts them and why metric co's have 2 yr old bikes sitting on the show room floor. I'm not an HD fan due to their persona and I think they're to proud of their product. But, they act like they listen to their customers. Metric's could care less and they don't listen to their customers. Well maybe they do....when it will no longer sell then they figure its time to redesign the wheel.
  7. I'm against them...I meet a GW on the interstate and it first glance I thought it was a police motor. To me they're the same as the wig-wags on a patrol unit. Yes, I agree they're effective, but so are passing lamps. Unless your escorting a parade or something to that extent I think they should be illegal. I think there are more appropriate messures that one can do that won't mislead the general public: traditional passing lamps, white or amber led (non flashing) lights.
  8. Guys I'm sorry, I was referring to the guy or gal that stole the helmet. I have no remorse for a thief and a four legged speed bump may be sweet justice at hwy speeds.
  9. Maybe there's an armadillo out there somewhere with his name on it....a Paul Harvey moment.
  10. I'm not saying GPS isn't accurate...I'm looking at it from electronic failure whether it be equipment failure or satellites, weather, etc. If I rode all over the country I could see it. I like maps...
  11. It's worth it...I love having an accurate speedometer. Unlike everyone else, I have no use for a GPS (old school-when in doubt I still use a map, more reliable). I'd have to take my seat off to see what I set mine at. I had another trooper use his radar to calibrate it at 70 mph. If you need any help hooking it up and setting it give me a holler. Its pretty much plug-n-play or pm me for my calibration setting. 318 780-5088 jc
  12. I took mine to my local glass shop...I marked (recommend) where I wanted it cut and he did the rest for $35. He used a ban saw with a fine blade for plexiglass and then sanded the edges down to smooth it out.
  13. The mustang is a shallow seat and will put you bout an inch closer to the tank compared to the oem. I sold mine last year with the back rest...sucks, I would trade you. If you decide to sell yours, pm me. I've got the comfort cruise and its not working for me...the butler mode is very good, but the seat is starting to get too soft.
  14. Here in W. La. we didn't get any till bout a month ago...had one or two pass thru. We're up to maybe 4-5 with two feeders going. I'm like you, I thought we had more last year or maybe there was more in the fall.
  15. You talked bout changing to 20w-50 tomorrow...my 06 has done better on thinner oil. Either Rotella 15w-40 or the synthetic. The thinker oil made mine scream like a wild banchee. The motorkote didn't help mine either, actually started to make my clutch whine more especially during engagement.
  16. I use the red liquid esp for h.birds from wal-mart...they seem to like it and it last alot longer compared to sugar water. ? - does this need to be drained frequently? We've had what looks like the same birds all summer and I've never seen a dead one.
  17. I could see putting on ur flashers and maybe easing up slowly to a shady spot and STOP to get out of the heat. If anyone asks your engine overheated. I wouldn't ride more than a mile to find that shaddy spot.
  18. No doubt its a terrible situation...nothing worse to see our enviroment and eco-system destroyed. I was listening to a talk radio program the other day and the big thing was supposedly ALOT of these fishermen don't claim all or some of the their earnings each year. One comment was made that a boat owner may have earned 90k last year but only claimed 23 or 28k (whatever the maximum to still qualify for state benefits-welfare). When they filed a claim with BP they couldn't document the other 62k. Like everything, there's alot of abuse, misuse, and maybe a small amount of honesty. For those that are out there working like Chief, I have the upmost respect. For the whiners that have cheated every tax payer in the state and is now crying woe-is-me on CBS, they can tell someone who gives a s--t. (Let the hating begin, I'm used to it.)
  19. The standard issue tool bag, spare headlight-bulb, cell phone...and my trusty led stinger flashlight and my glock 40 for overnite trips.
  20. Think it will look good all red or red above the chrome strip.
  21. I've haven't noticed any heat coming from mine from that area, gets alittle warm by my ankles...curious if your engine fan is working.
  22. Kinda makes you feel like you just married the family whore and no one told you till now.
  23. Mine did the same thing to me....like you I kept my petcock on reserve. I left home the other day, with alittle over 110 miles on the trip and a 1/4 tank of fuel (by the guage). Got on I-49 at mp 163. At mp 165 the low fuel trip came on. I thought no problem, the next gas station was at the 177. Seven miles later, I was on the shoulder out of fuel. I think I only got 135-140 miles out of that tank. Not sure what happened, if was bad fuel or what. Like you know more riding on reserve.
  24. I tried the Sylvania Silver Star and it didn't last very long before it burned out. I then went with the Cool Blue (alot cheaper) and to me works just as good.
  25. I like the corbin dual touring seat in the classifieds for a RSV. I think we touched on it before making the RSV seat mount to a RSTD...will the RSV Corbin Dual Touring seat work on a RSTD?
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