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Everything posted by jfoster

  1. The carb sync is fairly easy, you don't have to remove anything (body panels, etc) and it's very straight forward. There's a tech post with photos that makes it really easy. Some people like the carbs, some don't. The main issue I had with them is the tolerances when they're assembled. One rider will claim to get 40+ mpg and others in the mid 30's. Granted, there's ALOT of variables. I had an 06 rstd and in La with fuel with ethanol it avg 32 to 37 mpg in its three year life I had it. To me it had plenty of power, especially two up riding. If you do decide on one, go with the RSV over the RSTD, from what I can tell, they have better resale. You can't hardly give a rstd away.
  2. Google earth is really good, too. Not current, but really good images.
  3. Sounds about right. The way my insurance company works is their adjuster does his adjustment and cuts me a check minus my deductible. If the actual repairs are more, the dealer or authorized shop fills out a supplemental with the difference that's handled directly through the insurance co. If the adjuster is good and the damage is straight forward it should be fine. If they get in there and find hidden damage it could be more. That's how mine works. If I were your shows, I would rather trust the dealer vs an independent shop.
  4. I'm not a big sport fan and mostly could care less, but seeing how ate up some of the residents in La are....I think it's funny or just good karma.
  5. I have the Gran Tour similar to Mike's and they're made pretty well. I've had mine for around three years and have had no problems with the zippers, straps, etc. If your solo, you don't need a luggage rack. It has a large strap that slips over the back rest to help secure it.
  6. Mexas drivers seem to think it's ok to do bout anything...crossing the median, driving on the shoulder, etc.
  7. Especially after you read the posts then have a few adult beverages and then watch it.
  8. They most be doing pretty good to get 4-5k for a 99, I couldn't get a nibble on an 06 rstd midnite for $6500.
  9. How can 60 mph in 4th be considered lugging?
  10. Just like kids....the terrible twos!
  11. More pics of the car.....
  12. At least it was researched before hand....unlike me I took the whole grill off my 98 Chevrolet pickup just to replace the oxidized headlamps. For some dumb reason I thought the two screws holding it in were for the aiming adjustment. My dad used to tell me as a kid I always did things the hard way!
  13. A lady calls the sheriff's office saying she ran out of gas. Get out to her on the interstate and the car is running. I ask why do think your out of gas and she says cause the fuel light came on. You can't help stupid!
  14. I wish we had a Tim Hortons down here! From what I remember they were pretty good.
  15. They're both at fault, the car for passing in a no passing zone and improper lane usage. The mc for also passing in a no passing zone. Looked like he may have been able to save if it had gotten off the rear brake as soon as it began to lock up if he had enough room not to hit the rear of the car.
  16. For a brush, crack house, tick turd gun and when things generally go south, I'd like to have a full auto 12 gauge, AA12. Low maintenance, low recoil...
  17. I like them too, not sure how someone could confuse that with an emergency vehicle...my pet peeve is fog lights in clear weather.
  18. So true...the scary part is the later in life there's no tellin what or who they've done.
  19. The video of the car isn't bad. Me personally I don't like anything that flashes, strobes, modulates especially if I'm stuck behind someone with them. I find I get fixated on them and will not pay attention to other things or I have to look away. Just a different opinion. I think there's a reason why manufacturers don't install similar devices. The wife called me a few minutes ago bout some trucker who has some idiotic flashing leds on the back of his trailer near his license plate that's driving her mad. Which in his mind thinks it will keep people from tailgating him. But, he hasn't thought about those stuck behind him a two lane road or probably could care less, which is all good unless you need that one pissed off behind you to help you for some reason or another.
  20. I think the value will be equivalent to the Malibu for several years. But, with it being front wheel drive i wouldn't think it will increase in value. Being it replaced the Grand Am there's not much of a market for them anymore. A 6.0 or 6.2 G8 may increase in value.
  21. Separate led...more effective to me.
  22. I wished I could have gotten this done to my 06 rstd before I got rid of it. Sure would have been nice to get 40+ mpg and not the usual 35-37 mpg.
  23. Fwiw, I had Alleman Cycle Plex in Shreveport do a valve adj only and was charged around $250 plus tax, spring '10. If i'm not mistaken they drained the coolant, but can't remember.
  24. They'll say something to the affect that the physical year doesn't start till Aug, so they don't have the funds to fix it in the spring cause they spent their budget in the fall to repair the roads that were damaged from last winter. Circle of life...
  25. I want to hear what the stories are! More interesting than the surgeries...
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