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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. I would like to thank THIS marine for his service. Semper Fi
  2. Well said my friend
  3. :)
  4. Still traveling'
  5. Reminds me of a silly saying: This Monday, which next Tuesday There will be a mother's meeting For father's only Admission free, pay at the door Take a seat and sit on the floor
  6. Happy Anniversary to both of you Have a wonderful day
  7. Alan and I are changing our plans slightly. We have to watch the finances, as they are thinning out a bit....so, we are going to cut our touring a bit over this side and head back towards Canada to cut the mileage down on the rental car. So sorry we don't get to meet as many of you folk as we would have liked.
  8. Had a great stay with Venturous & Linda-- thanks folks. Joined some more Venture Riders in Ashville for a meet & eat, so nice to meet you folks:) Drove the Blue Ridge Parkway, and got hit by another thunder storm!
  9. Happy Birthday David:)
  10. Oops! We were on Texas time Ask Mary & Gary N.
  11. 'Scuse me! Aussies here......... How much trouble you want Bubber? Hey Margaret -- you wanna start some jabbin' & pokin' ???.
  12. Enjoyed the Barber Motorcycle Museum. Drove through the worst thunder storm I've ever been in (yike!) then headed to go stay the night with Venturous and Linda. Met some more venture rider's, which was really " tickity- boo" Off to meet some more tomorrow.. Got an email today to say that the shipment my trike is in has had a "DO NOT OPEN" order placed on it. ByU.S. Customs:( Apparently one of the bike owners names showed up on the " watch list" and the ship is in Seattle at the moment. They have to send all new paperwork......AAWWW CRAP!
  13. Great evening....nice to meet some more Venture Riders:) Meeting some more tomorrow
  14. Hey Charlie.......Mooooose!
  15. :)
  16. Jabs, digs & pokes.........sounds more like a medical forum
  17. Hey, I was pretty good for a lefty! The person throwing them was off his game...hit one lady in the back of the head!!
  18. " DA-DA-DINK-A-DINK-DING (mooose) Hey B2Dad..........."church!"
  19. And double moose back at ya:)
  20. We sadly bid farewell to Tennessee, and two wonderful VentureRiders. Thanks B2mom and B2dad Between the folk in Canada and now the states, I'm not sure I'm going to survive the VR emotionally! Amazing memories folks!!
  21. Woo Hoo
  22. Close to the township of "Numbnuts" :rotf::rotf:
  23. All good....got the message
  24. We ain't THAT hillbillyfied! He done be a second cuz'n of a second cuz'n
  25. Winston, PM sent.
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