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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. OOHH, play nice possum
  2. Hey, no big deal and there certainly was no bad impression my friend. It was an accident, and you didn't know I even have a problem with strong odors! All is good
  3. Don't think he's home. MOOOSE back at ya:)
  4. We left Illinois this morning and headed for Wisconsin. Spent the afternoon at the Harley museum. Very interesting, and lots of history. We are making our way to Bongobob's and Becky's--ready to meet more Venture Riders at his 4th July BBQ
  5. Thanks for the nice day Rick and Shirley hope you both enjoyed your day off too
  6. Rick and Shirley invited some of their rider friends around last night for a BBQ and to say Hi to the Aussies. Great night....great people We are humbled by all you wonderful Venture Riders opening your homes to us, and showing us such a great time.
  7. Thanks guys........and Hoot, Hoot back at ya
  8. Glad to hear the horse pills are working my friend
  9. Hi all. We are in Illinois, staying with Rick & Shirley Haywood. Hit a bad thunderstorm just after crossing the state line Arrived last night about 6pm So strange not to be in Tennessee LOL We are off to do some sight seeing today.
  10. Had a ball, thanks Bill was great to see LA too!
  11. We'll be at Bongobob's shindig!
  12. Hope it improves soon. Take one horse pill, lick two big ice creams and lie down
  13. It has been so nice to be with the Venture Riders here at Eureka Springs especially having LA here (Wildhair) Thank you every one, and safe journey's home.
  14. Geez, what's in the water up your way?? Bit of a worry Aussie Annie & Quickstep are kindly accepting Rick and Shirley's hospitality........so who's coming over?
  15. Sometimes?? Don't you mean "all the time!"
  16. Leather one "Quickstep"............ What's the paypal addy? I can pick it up before we go home surprise the big guy.
  17. Good news: got email to say customs have released container to agriculture dept for inspection HOORAH Hope we cleaned that Trike well enough!
  18. Surprised everyone and turned up at Eureka Springs meet and eat!!
  19. Boy, did we surprise Snarly Bill! Turned up at Eureka Springs meet with carbon1,Joyce, B2mom and B2dad, Stacey and Sharon. Should have seen his face. Then we got a nice surprise, because LA Prior is here!
  20. Hope all goes well for you
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