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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Magic grand babies are wonderful.......and you get to give them back LOL
  2. Woo Hoo, Hot Dang, Fantastic, Yeah That, Far Out! .........rode the trike today :) It's now at the Harley dealer being serviced. Getting ready to rock and roll
  3. Have a wonderful time you two And say Hi to Jonas and Greta
  4. Had a nice visit with Marca and Carl, then we were taken to the airport. Flight was good and we arrived in Portland on time,. Staying at "Americas Best Value Inn" not far from airport. (good value)
  5. We are now at Carls. thanks again everyone!
  6. Glad you're not too bent and buckled
  7. If'n we do that poor GyPSy will forever "re-calculate" [miss you too]
  8. Anyone got a suit of armor I could borrow?
  9. All the best John. Prayers sent
  10. Holy cow Bull! Can't you find another way to get attention LOL Hope it's not too painful.
  11. Surprise birthday cake.....and half of this holiday:)
  12. What a great 4th July And thanks Amy for getting the birthday cake for Alan. Boy! was he surprised Great day with friends....can't beat that
  13. To the man I've been married to for 40 years.....Happy Birthday you old fart
  14. Thanks Jack
  15. Don't know about that one Charlie. Let me know what ya think
  16. What a magic day. Followed Bongobob & Becky, Tom & Amy, and Rickster and Michelle into PA and the Kinzua Dam. Just wish we had been on a bike 'cause the roads were nice and curvy. Finished with dinner at Sprague's Maple Farm restaurant Thanks for the nice day folks..........and thanks again to all Venture Riders for giving us a great time.
  17. Arrived at Bongobob and Becky's last night about 5. Spent a nice evening catching up and enjoying pizza and wings for dinner. Then Amy & Tom joined us for drinks Heading off for some sight seeing today
  18. Crap, saw the post too late We left Milwaukee, and ended up traveling through four states! Can't do that over home inOz. Hit the worst traffic in Chicago. Bumper to bumper in the middle of the day!! Far Out Then when we crossed into Indiana we hit a bad thunder storm, that slowed us down again. Next comes Ohio....and another traffic jam as a car and caravan were splattered all over the road! Finally in a hotel in Holland,OH
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