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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Up state, up the creek....... And across the paddock At least I know where to aim for next year!!!
  2. Thinking of all in Texas
  3. We had the pleasure of being invited to join B2mom & B2dad and ride to Whiteman AFB for the Labour Day weekend and visit with their son, Jason and his family. Stayed in the hotel on the base, and got to have a look see at some planes...........even lucky enough to have the hangar doors open to view a stealth bomber!! Mean looking piece of gear. Rode around the area and really had a nice time. Thanks folks. We are now off in the morning heading for Oakley, Kansas.
  4. Did you have to remind me........that's a thing of nightmares!!
  5. OOOO....Yuckies! No thank you LOL
  6. Well done Arthur our eldest son is third Dan black belt, and we know the years' of training and study that go in to it. He also fought competitively in this discipline
  7. Spit it out.......... What you tryin' to say. YA'LL We had a great time at Vogel. It was wonderful to meet you all
  8. Now there's a mental picture!!
  9. So happy your job is going well. That pain treadmill is something though!!
  10. Thank you for your kind words..........we will never forget our time here. Oh, and it's too late -- the tears are flowing!
  11. Now don't you get me bawling yet! Gonna be hard enough as it is
  12. Heading out tomorrow afternoon when Patti finishes work. Leaving Tennessee and heading for the Whiteman AFB for long weekend. Their son is stationed there, and we are invited to join them:) then we are heading through Kansas and Colorado, on our way to leave the 1st Gen with utadventure. Then it's off to Portland and the last part of this amazing journey. Alan has to return the trailer to Waydes' and then de-bug the Trike for delivery to the shipping agent. We fly out on the 16th.
  13. Thank you for your generosity Randy
  14. Health comes first my friend........but don't forget us in here.
  15. Gotta agree with Marcarl......glad you listened to that inner voice, and wore all the gear. Hope you don't hurt too much.
  16. Happy Birthday Dan
  17. ..........and welcome to the family
  18. Thank you for the kind words Lewis. We had a blast with everyone and some how some way.......we will be back!
  19. Patti and I went for an ice cream on the trikes the other night so you go girl....then we can have a ladies trike ride some time
  20. No, not heading that way. We are going to Whiteman AFB, Missouri on labor day weekend with Don & Patti to see their son, Jason and his family on the base. Then from there we are heading back to Utah to leave Alan's bike...then back to Portland to ready the Trike to ship it home.
  21. Next week
  22. Glad everything turned out good Gonna loooove three wheels
  23. Thank you foresting that....they are amazing!
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