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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Have now added some from the International rally in cody
  2. The VR picture folder [ go to forums and you will see the heading]
  3. http://s980.photobucket.com/albums/ae282/AussieAnnie888/Cody%20Wyoming%20Rally/
  4. have a great day
  5. I have posted some photo's in the picture folder for you all to enjoy
  6. http://s980.photobucket.com/albums/ae282/AussieAnnie888/Canada%20USA%202011/
  7. :clap2::clap2:
  8. Sorry it's late Randy
  9. :clap2::clap2:
  10. Terrorised??????? And this from the man with the "pink" avatar Wizard is right....Voyager kit to you folks. Can't wait to see it finished
  11. We know how ya feel guys
  12. Geez, rub it in big guy
  13. C'mon Ponch...... show 'em how tough you are Prayers still being sent
  14. Nah, got the tool in the wrong hand :buttkick:
  15. Take care of your girl, and give her our best wishes
  16. Hope you are feeling better....... You ding-a-ling!!
  17. Had a long session here at the house with my lawyer. Then we drove up to the accident site [yuk] Tomorrow a road engineer expert is flying over from the eastern states to take a look at the site, then do a report. Next month I have to go to three Dr's for the lawyers of those I'm suing... not looking forward to that all within five days of each other but should know something by November.
  18. No jet lag...... just "miss the VR" syndrome
  19. Geez, getting unpacked and back to the routine is hard!! miss you all, but was great to see my grandchildren. Alan back to work today and truck broke down not a good start. Big appointment with lawyer tomorrow-- hope its good progress. Will have more time after that to come talk with ya
  20. The big guy is back at work in the morning at 5am
  21. How magic was that great to see the flight. Say Hi from us
  22. WE IS HOME. will post more when we get a bit organized
  23. It was Vancouver, BC. We have arrived in Auckland, New Zealand with a long wait for our flight to Perth. The concierge on our flight here told us that for a fee we could get a day pass into the 1st class lounge. So that's where we are now. Help yourself to the buffet whenever you want, coffee, beer etc. Nice! we are over in a corner so Quickstep can get some sleep...he goes back to work tomorrow
  24. Now we are in Vancouver waiting on connection to New Zealand
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