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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. thanks folks....will pass on the info
  2. I have a friend here in Perth looking for a fuel tank for a 1990 Kawasaki Zephyr 550......... Can anyone tell me the best places to look in the states?????
  3. Love to David, Kathy and family. Keep up the fight David
  4. We are so glad you and Eileen got the chance to get away for a while
  5. Quickstep and I had the honour to stand with the South Dakota PGR while at Sturgis. The Vietnam Wall stood behind the Freedom Field at Buffalo Chip the whole time...... very heart wrenching to see.
  6. May God keep them safe. Thank them for their service.
  7. Would that be a Canadian MOOOOSE!, or an American MOOOSE! not sure either one would work
  8. Yeah, just real nice Carl
  9. :clap2: hope that takes off and is a big success
  10. Prayers sent from here
  11. Maybe if you seek the help of your lady, Donna, to help with this she will see that you are being honest and open in trying to solve this dilemma. Best of luck
  12. Geez, and here's me thinkin' you would just get one at Wally world -- they have everything else!
  13. just got an email to say that the trike didn't leave Portland till the 1st October!!!!! So probably won't have it here at home till near the end of November now :crying::bang head: Once the container of bikes is handed over to the shipping line, it's up to them when it sails apparently
  14. hey Jim... how's it all going with the side car install Pic's
  15. Now make sure you follow up on that.
  16. Sounds like a plan glad you're back in the saddle. just need to change the bike you have listed under your avatar now
  17. Happy birthday
  18. Hope you feel better soon Tom. I know the feeling of not being able to do things I've had the back surgery. it was quick recovery, and best thing I did after all that pain. It had been affecting the nerve to my left leg too -- it was dying!!!!!!! Take care my friend
  19. Quickstep and Annie send their best -- and will keep the prayers going for David
  20. Enjoy the time off big guy [ Y'all]
  21. At least it's a good weekend for watching T.V. mate. You got the football grand final on Saturday, Rugby grand final Sunday, and MotoGP on Sunday night [go Casey Stoner]
  22. Have a great ride folks
  23. http://s980.photobucket.com/albums/ae282/AussieAnnie888/Sturgis%202011/
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