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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Belinda & Jim -- Happy Anniversary
  2. Geez Freebird..... what do you do in your spare time? Work!!
  3. After touring the U.S. one of the things that made us sad was how many people we saw holding cards up like that man. "There,, but for the grace of GOD, go you or I" Merry Christmas Earl and Jean
  4. We were in a rental car in Ohio
  5. :Happy Birthday: To a sweet Lady
  6. If'n there was.... it would be "deleted"
  7. Hey, we calling the silly thread "post deleted" now
  8. We rode in every state on the map
  9. Yeah that??????
  10. Dano, It makes my heart sing to see your post on here Although the pain is bad, be a little thankful for it because it means..... you can feel!!!! Our brains don't store pain as a long term memory thank goodness. Our love and thoughts to you and Rose. :bighug: [....and MOOOSE]
  11. So sorry to hear that John has "ridden on" He is at peace now with his Jeanie. Our condolences to the family
  12. Enjoy the new ride
  13. Have fun on the new ride
  14. Hey spear......... Bite ya butt :rasberry:
  15. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in Utah
  16. Hello Santa...... Just wanted to let you know that Taters has been a very good girl, and sometimes that hasn't been easy. The cute guy she is married to can be a bit of a handful sometimes! She really does deserve a computer ( white one) and if you have any spare jewellery WE could make use of it Thank you for your time
  17. Although Thanksgiving is not something we celebrate in Australia, I certainly think it has a great meaning behind it. Quickstep and I wish you all a wonderful thanksgiving. IRISH PRAYER May the road rise up to meet you May the wind be always at your back May the rain fall soft upon your fields And until we meet again May GOD hold you in the palm of His hand
  18. Hope you both enjoy the ride......... BUT
  19. Hope you're feeling better Dick
  20. :Im not listening to:Im not listening to:rasberry::rasberry::rasberry:
  21. ...... How much I miss you all :crying::crying:
  22. Maybe it's time to change your screen name to "05RSTD"
  23. Man of Steel..... :clap2::clap2::clap2:
  24. When ya finished eating that turkey it's gonna cost ya extra days at the gym
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