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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Nice to have ya back
  2. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you. All will be well my friend
  3. Quickstep and I had the privilege of viewing the wall and the freedom field of flags while attending Sturgis. Also proud to stand with the South Dakota PGR
  4. Hey Bob, if they have dress up night you can go as a penguin [got the suit] Have a great time
  5. :Happy Birthday:
  6. Yeah that for GWRRA Would have been a gonna without the towing service help from Rick. I think it's a great thing if you travel. [thanks again Rick]
  7. We still got :scorched::scorched:
  8. Sweet Lord!!! May they rest in peace
  9. We got :scorched::scorched:
  10. Glad it was a great day :Happy Birthday:
  11. NO, Mine are!! MOOOOOOOSE
  12. ......... and in your case it's a long way to fall! Seriously, all the best with the tests
  13. Bump
  14. Geez, Chicago traffic was THE most scarey part of our trip in the USA. Those drivers are nuts!! This one car swerved into our lane and almost hit us.... and he gave us the dirty look and abuse Bumper to bumper at noon:confused24:
  15. Have a wonderful time, and stay safe
  16. Don't understand that approach myself. I would look into more blood tests to see if you have any vitamin deficiency etc. Freebird and Condor are just two members who have recently discovered this problem. It will certainly drain you, and leave you tired. Good luck
  17. :crying::crying::crying:
  18. Natural supplements like Vit-D and fish oil can take up to three months before you see any results. I take those supplements, as well as Vit-B and Glucosamine. They need to cycle in the system for a while before benefits are seen. Don't quit taking them. you should have benefit after about six weeks. Most people give up too soon on natural therapies. Good luck with the consult, and results my friend
  19. thanks for the reply RR Will pass on the info.
  20. Our love to Marca. Sending prayers for the family God Bless Annie & Alan
  21. Snoring can kill you!! It is a serious health issue. Quickstep [Alan] had sleep apnea and like Taters, I spent most of the time waking him so he could start breathing again! Used a CPAP for about seven years, then went to a mandibular splint. It's a mouth guard that hooks together and pulls the lower jaw forward to keep the airway open. One of the main reasons he was able to come off the CPAP was that he lost weight. The Dr told him to try and lose it from the neck area, as this helps with snoring. He had to use it in the truck, as he was doing long haul.... bit it kept him alive. Dr could have cancelled his license!!
  22. I have two lady friends who want to travel to the U.S. next year. They want to go to Sturgis and then tour around. What they want to do is purchase two bikes with buy back at the end. they will probably fly in to L.A. Bikes they want: Naked sport bike. MotoGuzzi 750-900 preferred, as that's what they ride now. But any Naked bike similar to this is okay. For around $2,000 Can anyone help with information?????
  23. We got 86F today Going to be 104F on Thursday
  24. Congratulations Adam & Ashley. Also congrats to Taters & Tom for the addition to the family. I want to see photo's of you in your "bag of fruit" [suit] If'n you can get one big enough
  25. Birthday greetings from the Aussies:australia:
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