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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Hey Paul & Lee.....How nice to find you in here Hope to see you a member and enjoying all this site offers. These folks are the greatest, and we had the pleasure of meeting so many of them last year when touring the states
  2. All good folks. The winds last night were at 125Km's but everything safe with us. Thanks for the well wishes.
  3. Horrendous rain storm Squid....... a one in one hundred year event AND the weather bureau has just informed another is coming up the coast and will get to our area late tonight :yikes:
  4. :Happy Birthday:
  5. You're on the list painterman [PM sent] Second Run: Squidley x2 [to confirm] Sylvester x1 paid pmelah x2 painterman67 x1
  6. We have had no power for just over 24 hours!! finally back on. We lost our side fence, but everything else is okay. We have a big water geyser coming over the fence from next door... so guess everything in our storage shed is now crap Wind still very strong, and they say we have this weather for two more days
  7. Our first mission was with the South Dakota PGR, while attending Sturgis Rally last year. We also attended a special ceremony that flew the flag from the Pentagon ....... very moving. Proud to stand the line Annie & Alan
  8. Thank you
  9. You too will succumb one day
  10. you're welcome Mini Sylvester..... PM sent gunboat, KIC & tufftom4....... addy received & patch in the mail on Monday:thumbsup2: Squidley.... I believe gunboat ordered one for you when you had no internet. So, are you wanting 2 more?
  11. Will be in the mail on Monday Could the following folks PM me their address please Halmost There ........................... thanks *** If any one else would like to order the patch, just let me know [$AU10]
  12. Belated From us Hope it was a nice day
  13. G'day Kent.... how ya going big guy
  14. Sounds more like a food fight than a MD
  15. At least we can tell it ain't no relative of yours
  16. :yikes: :rotf:
  17. the grin is still on his face. apparently the color was a limited addition. we've never seen another red one over here [He said thanks for the well wishes]
  18. Enjoy.... and don't forget pics
  19. Yep, it's great when you get to ride with your kids Only way you'll know if the RSTD suits, is to take some rides with him and see how he handles it.
  20. I used to ride an FJR... he was always taking her for a spin
  21. ...... yeah, and no aussies
  22. :rotf::rotf::crackup:
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