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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. a grenade :rotf::rotf:
  2. We are so pleased that you have recovered well enough to return to work And we hope that you come in here and visit often.... you belong!!
  3. Glad you're safe Jeff
  4. Hoping all our friends in this area stay safe
  5. Geez Brian... so glad you are okay, and will heal. Bikes can be replaced -- people can't!!!!!!!! Take care
  6. As Rick Haywood stated, come and ask ME what this site means!! The friendship, camaraderie, and family sentiment are well worth a $ dollar a month. We live in Western Australia, and we traveled to the states last year..... to be greeted with open arms. These wonderful people opened their hearts and their homes to us -- and we now have the most amazing memories. Geez, bloke... you have no idea what you [and your friend] have thrown away!!
  7. ........ Don and Eileen open the box Aussie Annie sent, only to find another box!! This box has "Do Not Open" on it in large letters, then in smaller writing it states "Till MD 2013" Far, far away in down under land--Australia to you!, Aussie had been checking in on her computer when there was a knock on the door. There stood this BIG dude in a black suit wearing a fedora hat, and under his arm was a box. "You Annie?" "Who's asking?" The conversation went. "My names Elfonzo Pizzini, and my cousin in the USA asked me to leave this box with you 'cause you could get it over there to Oberlin. It's for MD next year, and if opened before then someone gonna get hurt!!" :yikes: Geez, why me [thinks Annie] But true friends' help each other, so Aussie accepted the box. She then found another box to place it in, wanting to keep it safe on it's journey to the states. Then off to the Post Office to send it, as she didn't want it in her possession any longer than necessary. That Elfonzo was one mean looking dude!! Stay tuned for the next installment of: "As The Wheel Turns"
  8. Wow!! Me like
  9. Congratulations to the young couple
  10. Yeah, and I got's to get me juices working for long distance ya know
  11. Well done! you two... and wishing you many more
  12. I think it was the green shirt that made the parrot think it was another of his kind!!
  13. Happy Anniversary to two great people....... and wishes for many more years' together
  14. Happy Birthday Rick :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday:
  15. Here's another one of Europe fitting into our big Island http://www.hdoz.org.au/icyphoenix/posted_img_thumbnail.php?pic_id=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hdoz.org.au%2Ficyphoenix%2Ffiles%2Fposted_images%2F226%2Fhow_big_is_oz.jpg
  16. ... how's this for comparison? Australia and the USA http://www.users.on.net/%7Earachne/usaAust.jpg
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