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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. B2mom and Snarly Bill...... We won't make it to the rally till the Tuesday. Can you please notify the hotel for us Can't wait !! :banana:
  2. Me Too !!!! I looooove that ride
  3. Has Don started looking at where he can put LED lights yet ?????
  4. Can't wait. Thank you to the committee for all the effort you have put in to this rally......... appreciated
  5. Pleased that it wasn't more serious. Heal quick and take care
  6. Congratulations, and much happiness
  7. Happy 71st Birthday Possum xxx
  8. We are just so happy for you both. Your stories and photo's will be enjoyed, and we get to follow your journey
  9. Hey bob, good to see you back in here :clap2:
  10. Just be bloody careful will ya !! must remember not to hug you too tight....cause we will track you down somehow
  11. Hope you decide to ride down..... come meet the Aussies, and the strange guy from Iceland ???????
  12. We are so glad to hear from you and know you are okay.
  13. YEP !! Time for that extra wheel me thinks
  14. sounds like a plan Jay.... looking forward to seeing you all
  15. you better keep hanging around Puc.... hoping to catch up with you while we are in the U.S.
  16. I've seen him at some of the rallies "acting the goat" after some apple pie and rum balls
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