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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. :rotf::rotf:
  2. Rode an ST1300 for a couple of years, then went to the FJR1300. Loved both bikes and crossed this big island on both! Unusual choices for a lady... but had fun. Then time to slow down and stop "fanging" and fell in love with the Venture. For long, two up rides it can't be beaten
  3. Tech. at H-D dealer gave me the bad news today. Not only has it done a head gasket, the con rod don't move either!!!! I think it could be from when I had the trouble in the states in 2011. Warrantied till May so waiting to see what Harley Australia says
  4. Check threads on Gold and silver Vendors. You have the choice of baggershield or clearview. I have had the vented Clearview and loved it. Other members can let you know about Baggershield
  5. Got 'em crossed
  6. ..... and G'day from Australia
  7. Love the fact that Alan and I share the fun and enjoyment of riding bikes together. Over the years' most holidays have been rallies or AGM's where like minded people get together. He has always supported me wanting to have my own bike, and is the best mechanic going even now, after the accident I still get to feel the wind in my face, all be it on three wheels now, and ride into the sunset with me fella May you both enjoy many years of riding together
  8. Facebook page is great Mike
  9. All the best Carlos.
  10. And he even lets foreigner's stay too
  11. hello folks Came home on the weekend.... Surgeon was pleased with result. Get my stitches out on Friday, so will see it then. You'd all get a good laugh watching me trying to walk anywhere. With right leg stiff, and the left one bandaged up from top of thigh to below knee -- walking like I have a carrot up me butt LOL :crackup:
  12. Just popping back in to this thread to say I'm off in the morning for the surgery.......... will be back soon
  13. Wishing you the best Carlos
  14. :rotf::rotf:
  15. Well said Jack...... that's how it is here
  16. now that's the mini we all know and love
  17. And they were kind enough to show Alan some of the factory when we went there with B2mom & B2dad in 2011. They were still re-building then after the terrible fire. **Alan was VERY impressed**
  18. Trike is "Dottie" [after me Mum] or sometimes I'll call it "Legs" Camper Trailer is "Fred" [after me Dad]
  19. Loved my 2007 Only lady riding one here in Oz [got a trike now] The family in here are the best folks' you will find, and the knowledge and help is amazing
  20. Maybe you could have a maintenance day, after collecting some parts.... then your VR friends could help
  21. ........... and certainly not here!!
  22. I'm with you...never done it. Now I have the trike certainly can't
  23. Hey Goose, ain't moving house fun!! Glad you could come say HI
  24. glad to hear god news. Take your time..... so you get to ride a long time in the future
  25. :yikes: Not the Moooooose!!
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