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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Agree with all the above. LARRY
  2. Thank you committee :clap2:
  3. I so hope it wasn't too difficult for you Squidley. Blessings for you, and for Don's family
  4. Was for VR members to put a decal on the trailer as we travel on our way So giving you all a gentle reminder
  5. What a day! 71/2 hours of riding. Portland, OR to Boise, ID Trike ran good, and "Gunboat" our trailer ran straight and true Will be off to SLC, Utah in the morning ( today) to spend some time with utadventure and his lovely wife
  6. Have had a great few days in Portland, OR. Trike arrived all safe on Monday. One of the local riders we met through our friend at Paradise H-D took us on a 71/2 hour ride through the mountains, and local sightseeing yesterday-- awesome! Picking up trailer this morning and heading for Utah.
  7. Felt sooo good today. picked up the trike from the shipping agent, and went for a ride out to the Portland coast and back with Alan I'm a happy biker now
  8. Alan tested his INR and it was low....... So he can't use it
  9. As a loving, caring person who gave more than they took. And thankful to the MAN upstairs for life and family and friends. If I made one person smile it was worth being here
  10. When will you decide? Can give you mirrors at Vogel. If not, will mail from Utah in about a week
  11. still drinking my tea Say hello to "Whoa"
  12. Yeah, but Jonas is still to come! Bwaaahaaaaa
  13. TOM (this is me yelling) ya big lug...... Ya didn't need to do that! I'm gonna sick Jonas on ya now :yikes:
  14. We have been traveling all day, finally settled in hotel in Portland.... So Happy Birthday Possum (love you) :bighug:
  15. Does this mean another U.S./Aussie coalition?? We're with ya big guy
  16. We had a nice time in Alden/Buffalo, NY...... Thank you everyone for making us so welcome. Weather wasabit hit and miss, but fine weather today as we head for the airport. Hey Dottie ( my trike) ......... momma's on her way!!
  17. Thank you so much to Becky and Bob for a great 4thJuly BBQ. Good food, good company.... Good day Miss you all.
  18. Enjoying our time with Vickie and Tom. Our drive from Montreal was in bad weather all the way Glad to get off their roads!! Montreal City your roads suck
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