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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Happy Birthday sweet lady :bighug: :Happy Birthday:
  2. Here, here, we feel the same :clap2:
  3. Leo and Dacheeda.... Was great to see you both. This was our final day at the International Rally. We have so enjoyed catching up, and meeting members these past few days. We leave at 6 am in the morning heading for Tennessee
  4. Looking forward to seeing more Venture Riders
  5. Yep....just the first service ( settle down folks)
  6. Having breakfast in Council Bluff, Iowa....Yah, last state to cross
  7. What a day!! Left Laramie at 6.30am and 20 minutes later hit the worst fog for a long time. A real pea souper and low, so we couldn't see too far in front of us. Stop and put wet weather jackets on ...... Real cold too. Stays like this for hours. Then just short of North Platte I lose cruise control. Talk to AL on intercom, and he tells me I have no rear lights. Pull on brakes, no lights, and none for indicators either. Pull into side of gas station and Alan starts checking things in fuse box and wiring under seat. Keep blowing the brake fuse every time he tries something. Decide to leave it and go to H D dealer. I head into the restroom and when I return to the trike AL asks if I have another fuse. He has an idea he thinks he knows what is the problem. Hey Presto! All good.. Everything works. The problem-- the trailer connection had dropped down and wires touching hitch and shorting things out. Glad my man has so much knowledge, and that he is my mechanic Finally got to Lincoln, NE around 6pm. Final leg to Galena tomorrow Oops, forgot....when we pulled up at gas station Alan found that the rough roads had cost me my parade fans! One whole side gone. That's the fan, and two horn bracket repairs to U.S. roads
  8. We left Salt Lake City this morning at 6 and headed into the mountains. Was really cold up there. Dipstick me took an hour and a half to remember she had heated grips fitted in Portland! Good run today, in cooler weather. Arrived in Laramie, WY at 2.20 PM This is our stop for the night
  9. Have thoroughly enjoyed our time with utadventure and Jan. We enjoyed an 8 hour ride day on Monday. Went to the movies and watched "Red2" and had a good laugh, and we have had ice cream at Leatherby's. Thank you so much Packing "gunboat" (the trailer) today and heading off early I the morning GALENA HERE WECOME!
  10. Will be sewing mine on at the International
  11. Pleeaase don't change! Already been fried and burnt in Utah and Vegas
  12. Okay, found it....... We would have to travel too far, so see you in Galena
  13. Where is Savana? Google won't show me on map. AL and I will be coming from Lincoln, NE and wondering if we could make the buffet?? What time is Mike planning on being at the buffet place?
  14. While they are picking on you Freebird they are leaving others alone (thanks)
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