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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. THANK YOU!:bighug: Very rare that I'm speachless---------but you got me this time !!! I often wondered what the medals were near members avatar's, but had not got around to asking.......what a way to find out! As someone else quotes here "VR.Org--club of my heart"
  2. "TRIPLE B" BIG- BLACK- BLOWFLY YUK, YUK, YUK :rotf::crackup::rotf:
  3. Can't have that one--it's MY ring tone :crackup:
  4. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO.............................. GEEZ, I DON'T NEED A MEDAL! PLEASE KNOW I FIND JOY IN PRACTISING RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS Aussie Annie......who is sitting here crying-and feeling the LOVE.........
  5. Here Black Owl--have some of mine :rotf::rotfl: Say when you've got enough :crackup::crackup:
  6. Hey BommerCPO The U.S. Navy is in town!!!! Party time in Fremantle :dancefool: The USS George Washington is out in Gage Roads, and she's a Big 'Un Her escort is the USS Cowpen. I've never seen such a humungous ship !! Do you know that my first ever pen-pals in my teen years were two U.S. navy guys. Took them home and mum fed them well, and they enjoyed "home hospitality" for a while. Still have their letters stored somewhere, and a deck of cards we used to use( is in the cupboard.) One of them(Jim Leahy) even came back for a visit when he got out of the Navy! Back then the officers and sailors used to enjoy going to a family home for a few days, instead of night clubs, getting drunk and you know- what- else. Whenever a ship was in town, the Aussie navy would do an announcment on the radio, for people to attend the dance get-together in Fremantle to meet the U.S. guys. I've even had lunch in the mess with everyone, and got lost going to the head !!:crackup:
  7. Don & Sarah, Sending good vibes that all will be resolves soon
  8. DANG! E-FISHIN-C, they are so respectful of ya (PSST, you can tell me-I won't say anything to anyone,honest:thumbsup2:)
  9. Note to self: Cancel credit cards prior to death! Be sure to cancel your credit cards before you die! This is so priceless, and so easy to see happening--customer service being what it is today! A lady died this past January, and ANZ Bank billed her for February and March for their annual service charges on her credit card, and then added late fees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance that had been $0.00, now is somewhere around $60.00. A family member placed a call to the ANZ Bank: Family member: "I am calling to tell you that she died in January" ANZ: "The account was nevewr closed and the late fees and charges still apply" Family member: "Maybe you should turn it over to collections?" ANZ: "Since it is two months past due, it already has been" Family member: "So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?" ANZ: "Either report her account to the fraud division, or report her to the credit bureau, maybe both!" Family member: "Do you think God will be mad with her?" ANZ: "Excuse me??" Family member: "Did you just get what I was telling you.....The part about her being dead?" ANZ: "Sir, you'll have to speak to my Supervisor" Supervisor gets on the 'phone: Family member: "I'm calling to tell you she died in January" ANZ: "The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply" Family member: "You mean you want to collect from her estate?" ANZ: (stammering) "Are you her lawyer?" Family member: "No, I'm her great nephew" (Lawyer information is given) ANZ: "Could you fax us a certificate of death?" Family member: "Sure" (fax number is given) After they receive the fax: ANZ: "Our system just isn't set up for death. I don't know what more I can do to help". Family member: "Well, if you figure it out, great!! If not, you could just keep billing her.I don't think she will care". ANZ:"Well, the late fees and charges still apply". Family member: "Would you like her new billing address?" ANZ: "That might help" Family member: "Rookwood Memorial Cemetary, 1249 Centenary Rd, Sydney-Plot Number 1049" ANZ: "Sir, that is a cemetery!" Family member: "Well, what the heck do you do with dead people on your planet????"
  10. Great news John, But be a good boy and do your therapy:rasberry: (P.S. Have sent a couple more things for the rally raffle)
  11. GREAT! Now Boomer & Eck, go to the bit in "red" and then follow the advice printed on the bottom :thumbsup2::thumbsup2:
  12. Unfortunately them lil' critters pee too much--makes the package soggy!!
  13. Thanks everyone for the comments and help, the overnight method seemed to do the trick. Well at least I hope it did 'cause he left 4.30am this morning for work-on my bike!!
  14. And here's one from me over here!! FAN-BL**#Y-TASTIC STORY :clap2: Thanks for exercising my laugh muscles:happy34:bad day turned into a good one, thank ya, thank ya, thank ya :crackup::rotf::crackup:
  15. To BoomerCPO, Black Owl, and all other vets who served in Vietnam: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU :thumbsup2::thumbsup2: Over the past few years I have ridden with our West Australian vets' and spent a lot of time with the "Patriot Riders" here. It took five years for them to get a welcome home parade!!!! And that was achieved by Private Normie Rowe, an aussie singer, who was conscripted and served in 'Nam. PROUD OF THE BOYS & GIRLS WHO SERVE :clap2:
  16. Hey Boomer, I know you like to keep the "boys" cool :crackup:by putting your feet up on the pegs and letting the air flow up the jeans, but what if the yellowjacket had been sucked up there??:think:the mind boggles at the outcome :rotf: Think I might have the answer for you to keep the jeans down:thumbsup2: They are called "Yo' Mama Cruiser Clips" they keep the pant legs down. It staes "made in America by riders for riders". I got mine from CruiserCustomizing.com, but there is an email on the info form: cruiserclips@cox.net I find them great, as my right leg sticks up a bit now that it's stiff. It also means I won't catch the hem of my jeans on the bike anywhere while I'm getting off--which is a major event with a stiff leg I can tell ya :rotf:
  17. Alan has put braided brake lines on my RSV, there is no air in the line, but still no brakes!! Question from him: is the factory fitted master cylinder okay with braided lines??
  18. All branches of our club, Australia wide, do silly and fun things to raise money. We (Ulysses Club) actually raise enough money every year to fully support two research scientists to try and find cures for arthritis. This depilitating disease affects small children as well as adults. I think we raised around $AU80,000 last year. We also support and run a prize of a motorcycle and tools for the motorcycle apprentice of the year. This is to encourage young people into that trade. We have even had a female win!!:happy34: Not bad for old farts, is it??
  19. Hi Taters, She's mine, all mine!!:dancefool:Hard to remember that I used to ride "Big Blue" solo. Wouldn't get it off the side stand now (since accident) The bike seats will both by altered so that I can ride and pillion, if I want--as I can't get on any other bikle now because of the stiff leg.
  20. It's a leading link suspension. Moves centre of axle forward from factory forks, there is some rake angle change, thus making it easier to turn. Like having power steering Recommended for sidecars, and I decided to leave it on for the outrider after talking to an engineer. cheers Annie
  21. Oh, and I forgot, our club motto is: "Grow Old Disgracefully" and I'm working on it!!!!!!!!!!! :dancefool::sign woo hoo::dancefool::sign woo hoo::dancefool:
  22. There were six thousand attending the rally in the pics. It can be any where between four and six thousand each year. It's here in Western Australia next year, and I volunteered to run the gearshop (sell Ulysses merchandise) for the week--so I will be "Frazzled Annie" after that!!:crackup:
  23. Alan and I have been members of the Ulysses Club.org for twelve years now, and try to spend our annual holidays travelling to, and attending the Rally and AGM held every year in a different state of Australia. It's the largest club in the southern hemisphere (27,533 members in Australia), and has even gone international to about seven countries. The club runs on very similar lines to VR.org--that's probably why I feel so much at home here!! AND "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" It was started 26 years ago by three guys looking for somewhere to socialise and have comradeship in their senior years.(with their wives etc) Their days of "hooning" were over and they just wanted to ride and enjoy. So I thought I would show you a couple of pics of rallies and some of the silly things we do to raise money for charities. (mostly for children & arthritis research) Thats Alan as the "phantom" and also as a woman (YUK) on the "shockin' Frock Run" where the men had to dress female (riders pay $10 & pillion $5) then there is a "beauty contest":rasberry: A couple of years back I even shaved off my hair, while a friend went "blue" for Luekemia research. I'll do most anything for the kids!! :happy34: So now I belong to the two best "family" clubs in the world, it doesn't get any better than that!! :banana:
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