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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Okay, I'll bite!! Do the Canadian's get to breed different Venture's to the U.S.????? :think::scratchchin::whistling:
  2. THAT'S GREAT!! (hope I'm next)
  3. Members of this amazing club have been responding to a post I had in Ladies Lair titled: "Nearly ready to ride." I felt it important (to ME!) to post here in Watering Hole, so that I could acknowledge their help and ideas to everyone. THANK YOU IH TRUCK GUY, and BOB MYERS :clap2::clap2: Your assistance and imput on the idea's to mount my crutches on the bike are so appreciated. (and you lifted my spirits too) I think we have finally solved the problem, and it was done thousands of miles away!! Words--can't find 'em to express what ALL of you mean to me now!!! :bighug::bighug::bighug:
  4. :dancefool::dancefool: YES!!!!! They look like the "Duck's Nuts" to me (translation: what I need) Now I have to wait all day for Alan to get home!! Want the "mechanic" to confirm that they will work. I'm sooooo excited You guys rock!
  5. GOT'CHA YA PRICK!!! He wouldn't last 5 minutes in an Aussie jail, they have their own code and justice--and you don't hurt kids!!!!!!!!!!! Love to you all
  6. Stupid me forgot the photo's! I've sent a PM with the measurements of the crutches to you and here (hopefully) are the pics Thanks again for any help
  7. Okay, got it now--thanks RandyR:thumbsup2:
  8. Here's a sneaky one from me over there!!!
  9. Hey, Yammer Dan, How's that leg today??????????:think: Hope you're behaving yourself
  10. YEP, Good Pics I like the trike and the last pic, the '07 Venture "Yah, Blue Rules":australia:
  11. If you win, the trailer is YOURS!! I thank you for the kind jesture though. IF I win maybe it should stay over there, then Ill have an excuse to come get it!!
  12. Freebird, What would the shipping cost be for the three oval decals AND a lanyard?? I have been wondering (careful, brain is in gear!) what would happen if I dropped my keys in the process of getting on and off my bike--which is a major event now! The thought of going through all the effort to get on, only to drop my keys, fills me with dread!! But I think the lanyard might be the answer, and why not have a VR one So let me know and I will pay for them all together.
  13. After having so many gremlins with IE, I too am a Mozilla Firefox convert:thumbsup2:
  14. Thanks for the clamp idea-it's a good one Only thing is I don't think we can get them here?? Where would I possibly get a pic of one?? I am going to mount the holder/clamps between the panniers and the fenders (down low so that the lids will open) Unfortunately the budget doesn't run to leather, maybe further down the track when finances are better? We are going to use PVC pipe (painted black) if we can't get any suitable clamps, and attach with brackets.
  15. Freebird, How much (each) for overseas members???
  16. DITTO!! That's great--now keep off it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. No,No,No, the trailer relay needs to come to here! All those who have volunteered, please make sure your passport is current And that you can swim!!!!!!!
  18. Hey Friend, sending you love and support from over here. It gets frustrating, don't it?? I too don't know if my case will be successful, and I know what it's like to not be able to be independent and do what you want--that frustration I REALLY know!! You hang in there buddy-and remember
  19. Awwww, Now come on! I bet most of you "big Bruiser's" all have a "mushy" spot. I bet it kicks in when it comes to your family, especially grandkids or when a story on here touches your heart! I know you are all just big "softies" :thumbsup2:
  20. Wonderful news, Cindy. I join with everyone else in sending you and yours good wishes and glad it's at an end now. We have a local BACA group here, and I used to do "ride by's" when work allowed (and before accident) they do a great job. Special hug to Hailie, and I agree, she needs the closure of seeing the end result, and knowing that justice was done!!
  21. Taters, Hoe about you leave him at the ice cream shop--and you come touring with me?? When he runs out of money he will holler for ya, I'm sure!!:crackup:
  22. I posted to you in regard to the U.S. Navy being in town, then realised I didn't put the correct name It's on page 4 and titled "Geez Boomer they Are Big" it should have had "CPO" on the name too! sorry 'bout that friend.
  23. Yamahamer--You rock!! PM sent with addy
  24. When doing a thread, or post, how do you add one from off here?? (did that make sense!) When people ask for advice members sometimes put a reference thread on their post--how????:think: Thanks
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