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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. NO, NO, NO, NO NO!! :doh::doh::rasberry::rasberry: I KEEPS TRYIN' TO TELL YA- I HAVE THE WINNING TICKET :thumbsup2: THE DANG THING IS-A-COMIN' OVER HERE TO :smile5: OKEY-DOKEY:thumbsup2:
  2. Just wanted to add my best wishes to you both.:thumbsup2::thumbsup2: A new adventure-how exciting "Go for It"
  3. Thanks for the opportunity to purchase tickets, gotta help the kids!! Cindy-- :wow:Tickets bought, and buckle is mine
  4. Okay, Because of the stiff leg I am going to alter my seats. I need to sit further back to allow my right leg to get to the floorboard and the back brake. I am having an extra pad/cushion made that will raise me up higher on seat-then stiff leg angles "down" better Question: Can you remove this, or any other back rest easily?? When I get on or off the bike I have to move up onto the pillion seat (to then swing stiff leg over tank) so the back rest would need to be re-moveable, is there such a thing??:icon_smile_question:icon_smile_question
  6. Thanks for shipping the clamps to me BOB--
  7. Hey texaskid, Glad to see you, and your's made it to NM safely in the end. The toilet and shower situation remind me of being in camp as a kid :rotfl: Anyway, won't take long to settle in and enjoy your new home,state,life!!
  8. Hey Adventure, You were dang lucky, sounds like you tore through scar tissue. You take it easy now--no more ladder arobics okay! Be careful kneeling on the replacement too, surgeons here tell you not to--it can damage the replacement joint they installed if you put pressure in the wrong spot. Hope you heal quick
  9. Can tips/ends be put on the Venture mufflers?? If so, which are recommended:confused24: I want the end of the mufflers to face DOWN a bit, due to there being a plate directly behind them on the trike conversion that may over time get heat damaged. (It covers the springs at the back) Also the rubber end of my crutches will sit near there while I ride. Don't want to pull up and find a burnt crutch!! The smell of burning rubber would put the wind up me anyway!! (is it bike trouble)
  10. Boomer.....who sez it it ain't broke don't fix it. OKAY--IT'S DECIDED :clap2::clap2::clap2: "AUSSIE ANNIE" IT IS!!!!:thumbsup2::thumbsup2: Thanks for all your thoughts and comments:cool10:
  11. YEP, colour is great, and I agree with Big Tom (did I say that?)
  12. Several members over the past few weeks have referred to me as:Awesome Annie SO DO I CHANGE MY SIGNATURE???????? WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK?? DO I REMAIN AUSSIE ANNIE............OR DO I CHANGE TO AWESOME ANNIE........YOU CHOOSE!
  13. Bob, The fist clamps are perfect :thumbsup2: Have sent you a PM in regard to purchase. Thanks for posting your web site for me (in Ladies Lair) Alan was able to see them really well. IH Truck Guy, Am posting the pics you requested of sticks in place on bike: 1. Frame of outrider, at rear, where end of crutch will sit. 2. Shows stick in place. 3. Looking down between pannier and fender (handle of stick) 4. Position of crutch in place. Rubber stopper on the bottom will sit up on a slight angle, and will need about 21/4 inches in the "thingie" to fit-okay. This is all amazing-and so appreciated. My mechanic (Alan) gets up for work at 4.15am and sometimes isn't home till 6-7pm, and that's six days a week. Doesn't leave a lot of time. Thanks for the idea's :clap2::thumbsup2:
  15. WOW ROOSTER1, THAT'S SCHMICK!! (Aussie for "spot on") :thumbsup2: Love the colours (my footy team colours) ENJOY THE RIDE! (makes me miss mine)
  16. :wel_ani3Tay: BACK, ArticusMedicus I joined while you was gone!!
  17. To Jim and Patricia, WELCOME TO THE NAN & POP CLUB---IT'S AWESOME!!:thumbsup2:
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