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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Nope, no CB button They must have stripped 'em to come in to Australia, the lousy #@$**# So this looks like being expensive, don't it???????
  2. :wel_ani3Tay: Sleepcheater.........we are all family in here Braided brake lines (as Eck suggested) is the first thing I did. I returned to riding after a bad accident, and did lots of practice in a car park and rode by myself for awhile -- before putting the bike in a group ride -- that way I felt more confident. I have bung legs now so ride a "Quike" :happy34: My Venture has voyager kit on it AND DON'T FALL OVER!! All the Best
  3. I'm a sick puppy with the flu at the moment, but as soon as I'm back to normal I'm off the the doc to get the swine flu jab. I have a low resistance to infection now, and have to go to the hospital for my out-patient visits, where I sit in a room full of people who may have had contact with "who knows what?" The guv'ment has made available to everyone a free jab for this virus.
  4. BUGGER:bang head: not in Australia it don't :crying: I've checked ebay, but nothing.............. SO....................... Anybody out there got one for sale???:bowdown::bowdown:
  5. Foster Brooks, Danny Kaye, and let's not forget RED SKELTON !!:crackup: I grew up laughing with all of these amazing character's:thumbsup2:
  6. Hazen, Good luck in "LIFE'S NEW VENTURE"
  7. Is it because HD seats are crap?? Don't think I would want to travel far on one, and they don't have a "Rick Butler" :rasberry: to fix 'em. We put our bikes on the Ute for one trip, because of work and time off BUT we were travelling from one side of Australia to the other!! I flew to Adelaide and Quickstep picked me up from there and we continued on to Coffs Harbour in New South Wales for a club AGM and rally. Then we both drove all the way back to W.A. Here's a pic
  8. I was reading the Marshall Mod site, and it tells you that the CB is under the trunk (black box) Do the Ventures in the U.S.A. come with the CB as standard fit?? "Cause I don't have one!!!! Quickstep and I were looking into setting up CB on my bike -- now I need to know where do I get one that is compatible with the Venture set-up?? It's important that I can communicate with him on long trips if the pain gets bad or need pit stop etc., both rider to pillion, and rider to rider. We have portable CB radio's we used rider to rider with our last bikes, but it was part of the intercom system on his bike and we linked it to mine. (bike now sold) How expensive are the CB set up's for the Venture?? Is this really gonna hurt my pocket (again)
  9. Tattoo ink all over my good riding pants. "Can I suggest you get the butt butler seat mod " said Aussie Annie, who had been so quiet that everyone forgot she was there !! Well, Aussie Annie had never been to a maintenance day before, and she watched with interest as they worked on Ruffy's scooter. Then after a while she moved over to see what all the fuss was over by the ....................................................
  10. OOOOhh fella's, don't pick on a girl when she's not well. I'll just go stand over there (and blow my nose) But when I'm feelin' better LOOK OUT I will get even
  11. Geez Mate, as they say "there is always someone worse off than you" I only have the flu BUT you need wrapping in cotton wool Hope the aches and pains ease soon, and sending a get well card to ya
  12. One 2 Gen. pin please. (plus shipping to Oz!)
  13. 1 PLEASE Don. Guess I'll end up with the most expensive one after shipping to Oz Please let me know how much to paypal to you
  14. Hi Everyone, Haven't been on here for days I've been a sick little Possum in bed for day's with the flu It started out okay. The weather last weekend was finally good for a ride and I got in an 880 mile day, and felt great BUT next morning YUK!!!!! felt like death warmed up, and have been in bed since But on the improve now SO............... ANNIE'S BACK!! :sign20:
  15. I also have him going incognito -- as the "ghost who walks" Think I'm married to a strange man :whistling: Wonder who that woman is dressed as "garfield":doh::confused24:
  16. How about Quickstep, would he qualify for the finals of the quest??? I think pink suits him, don't you This is taken from a "shockin' frock" ride for charity, where the men have to dress like females. Boy, we get some butt-ugly ones There are hand bag tossing, and other games for a laugh:big-grin-emoticon:
  17. My solicitor (for accident) thinks negotiations will commence about Feb/March next year. So if it settled in time we would certainly ship the bike and come - a - partyin'
  18. Hope you heal quick:thumbsup2: sorry to hear about the bike though:crying: blue/black are the pretty ones ask me how I know:whistling:
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