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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Nice pics, thanks for sharing your day glad you got to ride :clap2:
  2. Miss you on here Beer30, glad all is okay with you though "Don't forget to leave a little bit of yourself for yourself" (Wish I was closer, I'm a dressmaker/designer and could lend a helping hand) Thanks for the work you do for the allied forces too.
  3. :crying: Me names not on the list :crying: Hey, I was so keen I'm #4 post on here. Still waiting to find out how much to paypal you for 2nd Gen. to Australia :icon_smile_question Helloooooo, is any body out there??
  4. Yep, magic piece of gear Couldn't have got it without all the help from "Squeeze" he was great :clap2:
  5. Will have check organised this week might come visit one day and have a DC with you thanks big guy
  6. Just an up-date on the thumb brake installed on the quike. Quickstep had a devil of a time getting it to bleed and get the pressure up, but finally worked. It worked really well on the ride yesterday (Sunday) and isn't taking me that long to get used to. Sure is crowded on the left handlebar though To Qickstep: thanks Possum
  7. Quickstep and I had a great day (Sunday) doing the annual Patriots M/C poker run for prostate cancer research. Left at 8am, and got home at 7pm Great to catch up with a lot of people I hadn't seen since the accident (2 1/2 yrs) and to make new friends also. :clap2:A lot of the members are Vietnam Vets, as well as some still serving in the forces. I live in a navy town and have always supported their fund raiser's etc. Great bunch of folk's and they were interested in my "quike" and loved the fact I was still riding.
  8. And scared the P**sing pick handles out of the group of Hardly Dangerson bikers lining up to fuel!! They had never heard such sweet notes from a bunch of bikes before. Just then the sound of a stebel horn is heard, and as everyone turns to look they see Quickstep comin' down the highway towards them. "Thanks for the sound call fella's, made it easy to find ya when I heard that big sound" After much hand shaking and back slapping, greeting Quickstep was finally over. Aussie Annie congratulates her hubby on the choice of hiring the blue RSV, 'cause they go faster! And then turns to the group and says "Head 'em up, move 'em out Ruffy, let's get this party started again". With that Ruffy dropped his clutch, and took off at the head of the group, yelling "YEE-HAH Let's go, we are bound for........................................"
  9. How much do I need to send you Don, for 1 mug + shipping??
  10. Thanks for that Big Tom, they look amazing :thumbsup2:
  11. Yep, Nice outfit!! Does it come with a matching handbag??
  12. Yep, "What goes around" Ron's family are just paying it forward:thumbsup2: Guess we all know the name of this bike!! Well deserved Brad.
  13. Cruise, Why don't you all cruise "Downunder" then us Oz VR member's could enjoy meeting you all.
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