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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. SNOW, what's Snow???????????????:stickpoke:
  2. Glad to see you're back The VR fruit cake could do with another nut in it
  3. Missionary Rider sent you a PM
  4. It's the weekend here now, so will email Tracey Rogers on Monday.
  5. Hey, call me what you want -- I'm just grateful to be riding again!
  6. Sending prayers and good thoughts to you and Marcie.
  7. Hey Lynn, Are you coming for work, or pleasure?? My contact details are in my profile - we might be able to catch up while you're here.
  8. Thanks for the response everyone SGN -- sent you a PM and thanks:clap2: Missionary Rider, and others: not bothering with CB at this point, just push to talk buttons so we can install mic-mutes on our Ed-sets. Our laws regarding CB's are different apparently, so Ventures came into Oz without them We will probably do hand-held CB's mounted on handlebars at a later date. so only wanting the small buttons Bill recommended for now.
  9. How wonderful!!!! Congrats to you both from over in We've been married for 38+ and I wouldn't change it for anything. So glad you found your "someone" :dancefool:
  10. Hi All, After purchasing the Ed-set intercom set up and the Mic-mutes stupid me found I don't have the factory CB installed on my bike :bang head: I contacted Bill Morphy by email and asked for advice, and he has suggested a way to still hook up the mic-mutes to the system. I need to purchase rider and passenger "push to talk" buttons from AirRider.com in Ooltewah TN but they don't ship to Australia Their site won't let me create an account Can any one help me to get these.
  11. DITTO THAT I have now barfed up both lungs, had a coughing fit, spat my coffee all over the 'puter and ache from laughing One question though: did you swallow a dick-john-harry????:think:(dictionary) It's late over here and I need to recover "night John-Boy"
  12. Geez, You breed 'em good in the U.S.A. (not):bang head: Scarey when the class of idiot is gettin' so low, ain't it?:doh:
  13. Way to go people, well done :clap2: what an amazing experience
  14. Okay, we aren't there yet -- so slot this bit in when we arrive okay:bang head:
  15. The Golden Corral "super-duper-chattanooga-choo-choo- chocolate-fudge-fairy cakes" with cherries!! "OOOOhh!" drools Quickstep "Gotta get me one of those" and heads of to the dessert bar. Yama Mama is slowly recovering, sipping on her choo choo chai latte coffee, and still wondering why her clothes don't seem to be in the same order they were put on that morning! Massey130 decides to join Quickstep at the dessert bar and check out the waitress serving him, who has red hair, freckles and a big......................................................
  16. Geez Condor, Glad I don't own a 1st Gen -- I'd be one poor little possum:crying: Gotta have "safety chrome"
  17. Pardon me, I gotta go barf up another lung!
  18. :crying: One day, one day!! Freebird you better start stocking up on extra toilet roll now:big-grin-emoticon:
  19. Hey Bubber, WHAT'S SNOW?????
  20. Now, Now, Now, play nice Rocket
  21. Have PM'd you in regards to 2nd Gen pin postage
  22. Hey Barend, Don't forget pics, pics, pics when you're done. I had a sidecar on my RSV and loved it. Had to change it after the accident
  23. While Yama Mama giggled and squirmed, and enjoyed having her real estate checked:crackup: the sad truth was that because of her amnesia she wouldn't remember it later :crying: Even though Quickstep enjoyed the real estate demo by Dragonslayer, he wanted to ride, so turning to his beloved he said "Hey, aren't we supposed to be heading down I-24 towards Chattanooga for Biketoberfest?" Aussie Annie gave a loud whistle to get everyone's attention, and then "mount 'em up people - there's food to be eaten, beer to be drunk, and BS to be spun, let's go!" With that there was the familiar roar of Venture engines, and everyone headed down the highway once again. As we approached Chattanooga we heard someone start to sing "pardon me boys, is that the Chattanooga choo-choo?" and all of us noticed.........................
  24. No problemo's David - ask anytime. Bad road conditions caused my accident back in Dec. '07 and it damaged both my legs (right one now stiff) But you are right, riding helps get rid of the demon's. Being able to again is wonderful. The folk on here will always lift your spirit too.
  25. Hey story tellers, I haven't laughed so much in a long time :crackup::rotf::crackup::rotf: Laughed so hard I ended up with a coughing fit:bang head: gotta go make a coffee and recover some Geez, this story isn't supposed to be bad for your health, is it ????? Be back shortly..........
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