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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Got my mug today -- it's awesome
  2. They realise they might have a chance to purchase some of the parts Even Honda parts on their hardly dangerson's might mean they could ride for longer without needing to eventually put their bikes up on the back of a rig to finish their journey all the time :bowdown: But hardly rider's cannot be seen in another vendor tent other than HD, so they have to figure out how to get the parts and not be seen, therefore protecting the Harley Myth (if you ride one you are super cool, and never break down) As they huddled together trying to come up with a plan, they see the VR rider's and figure.....................................
  3. Okay, as some of you know I ordered Ed-sets and Mic-mutes only to discover that Venture's didn't come into Oz with the CB. Bill Morphy gave great help to me so I could still install the mic-mutes. He suggested I get PTT buttons from AirRider. They changed their whole system on site so I could order from over here, and didn't charge enough shipping. Can't go back into their system and send the extra (was done with creditcard) SO:Can someone help me?? I can paypal the funds ($US21.02) if someone can forward it on to the contact there.
  4. It's just hard figuring out the sizes from over here
  5. Ordered and paid for my T-shirts from WAAAAYYYY over here in Oz, so should be easier for you folk's don't ya think? Now thinking of ordering a fleece jacket So c'mon support all the work that Big Tom has put in to get you these "shmick" looking shirts :clap2:and remember the profits come back to VR.org too. (okay I'll go now)
  6. Thanks for the pics -- love the orange get up LOL
  7. Past two years we have flown (Townsville & Penrith) due to me having metal frame on leg and stayed in tent city. Other years we have done the "get over quick" had a bl***y good time, and then raced for home -- but wouldn't change it for quids We are the gearshop Co Ordinator's, so if you make it come and say hello.
  8. Nope, just looked and all I got is tire info sticker. Valve setting info label must be in the same box as the CB I never got! (and it's 2nd Gen)
  9. Never mind about the desires for Phil, come join the story and ride-- we need more wimmmens' on this thing :happy34:we are outnumbered by the mens' in here Oh, look here comes someone we all know and I think they........................................................
  10. Hey, Annie is a bit like Yama Mama (scarey ain't it) and can't keep up with the dragonslayer when he swallows the "dick-john-harry":crackup:and ends up staring at the screen and can't come up with a funny / or any response (Quickstep would refute that!!) So, I'm still lurking and waiting for the opportunity to add to this looong story. And the world needs more "lurks" they tell me So, have we eaten? where we at? where we goin' now? :confused24: I'll just park the FAST BLUE 2nd GEN in the disabled parking space and wait will I Lead on McDuff.......................
  11. Someone with a XVZ1300 (naked) over here asked me if I knew the valve settings. Nope, but knew where to come and ask:thumbsup2: So help away guys.......................................
  12. Now I know why I love wearing the color "red" I will think of all the troops over there every time I do now. "Lest We Forget" Rocket: Being very serious here, could you wear red underwear on Fridays?? Or a red square of paper in your pocket on Fridays?? Then you can feel you have joined in to honour them.
  13. Naturbar, I get a lot of pressure on the nerves in my hands from using my elbow crutches every day, and then can be aggrevated when riding. Found these nerve protecting gloves and they help. Take a look in............ http://www.QwiNerveProtector.com/MotorcycleGloves.html They have been anatomically designed by an orthopedic surgeon.Their addy is Blytheville, AK Hope this might help you ride
  14. Chezley, nice to see another aussie posting Gotta keep doing it now, nice and regular like Got the Ulysses Club AGM in March (over here in Western Australia) so make that M&E a bit later will ya??
  15. Nice digs guys, but the BBQ (at side of garage) needs to be upgraded to a larger size to feed all the VR people planning to come over and help / eat.
  16. Yeah, PM me the address and I'll send him some decent aussie tucker
  17. May GOD hold you in the palm of his hand and bring safely through the surgery. Prayers sent.
  18. Yep, it's an official aussie slang word now I'm gonna use it all the time :clap2: as in: dropped the carton of milk and the dang thing went "kaplooie" all over the floor. :rotf:
  19. I wonder if they would ever sell the reverse kit seperately, and would it fit the RSV with voyager kit????????????
  20. Wow, Fantastic :clap2: Now be safe and hurry home Many thanks from this aussie.
  21. Calling you "LUMPY" (as requested) Hope it's not a nevus thingy?
  22. Well, that went "kaplooie" on ya!!
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