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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. And like us, you all have trouble getting the right numbers on lotto--how about this instead ? A bit more affordable
  2. Should see his big cousin, Gay Mardi-Gra. Big colourful dude on a multi coloured trike Okay, Aussie Annie agrees: we need to actually get somewhere. Just think of the fuel we have gone through How about showing Quickstep and I some of the great historic places ? or lets head to the nearest M&E ? then we can keep going to the next one etc ?:dancefool:That way we got riding, eating and BS--and we are good at that!! So, slurp down that DQ and lets head out to.............
  3. Dunno, I'll ask the big lug when he gets home :rasberry:
  4. Thanks for the pics Tom. "Ride to eat, Eat to ride"
  5. :crackup: But that would be with a little more care and respect for the bike wouldn't it:rasberry:
  6. Naturbar, So happy to hear you got to go for a ride :clap2:
  7. Just checked in the shed--not my rivet either
  8. Yep, real good coffee mugs aren't they :stickpoke:probably work even better if they were "blue" :rasberry:
  9. Okay, we have a young wipper-snapper of 16 riding a Venture now, ????? but how many women ride one??????? I'm the only one in Australia. And I did ride it two wheel before my accident (Quike now) So, do we have any in the U.S. or Canada
  10. Yeah that!! :crackup::crackup:quit producing AND sending to Oz!!!!!!
  11. Okay, I'll be the first lady to tell her age on here! LOL I'm 58, have two bung legs and riding the Quike is when I feel independent and free, Quickstep is 65 and been married to my trucker for 38 yrs. 2 sons, 1 daughter, 6 grandchildren, and lots of foster children over the years.
  12. Awww great, rub it in why don't ya Just kidding Big Tom 'cause piccies would be great
  13. So, Aussie Annie does as simon says, dons the pretty dragonslayer helmet (which clashes with her outfit) and follows Yama Mama and the Dragonslayer--who now, apparently, is disguised as the friendly lion "SnagglePuss" and we all exit "stage right":cool10: After leaving the little shop of horrors, Aussie Annie turns to the others and asks, "what now?? Where do we meet the other VR rider's:think: What great adVenture are we off to now?":think: "Lead on SnagglePuss, and we will follow":happy34: So we all exit, stage left, running quickly. On reaching our bikes, we mount up, fire up and the the Dragonslayer yells: "Simon says we.....................
  14. Amazing!! What a way to honour his comrades, and those who fought in Vietnam.
  15. Yeah, and the BLUE one's are real intimidating--'cause they're the fastest
  16. Guess you better go ahead and start without me :crying::crying::crying::crying:
  17. He also helped me out with a special order Gosh hope he is okay?
  18. Been off line a few days and no-one has posted Was it something I said? Heellloooooo, is anybody in here anymore? Are we all storied out now? Where's the VR rider who swallowed the "dick-john-harry"? surely he still has a few gems to share? Or did you all decide to ride off without me?
  19. thank you for your offers of help. I got an email from Tracy Rogers over at AirRider and he said they were able to fool their system and take the right amount of shipping from my card. Parts are on the way.
  20. Thanks. If I can make someone laugh or smile, then it was worthwhile being here, wasn't it!! cheers
  21. Like Freebird, I too hope things go better for you next time around, and you get better results also. You will know what to do about it all.
  22. My deep and sincere prayers and thoughts to all involved.
  23. To dear Randy and Laura, here's a card each for you.
  24. got my sweatshirt and T-shirt in the mail today Big Tom and they are awesome My friend had a look at them and even she thought they were pretty fantastic too!!:happy34: Get your orders in folk's, you won't be disappointed.
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