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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Pleeeaaase don't start that in here!!:bang head:
  2. What you talkin' about Willis??
  3. I'll trade ya my "What The" for your "Awww Schucks" Do you want to negotiate on a "Dang" for your "dammit"?????????
  4. Aussie Annie


    Okay Dano YOU WIN :crackup::crackup: Nearly busted my foofa-valve laughing
  5. Holy cr**p....I thought our system was bad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Yeah, ditto that Thought we were gonna start a robot thread :crackup:
  7. Are we having fun yet?
  8. Wow, wish we had something like that here--I'd wear it with pride. I march every ANZAC DAY (25th April) to honour my grandfather (gassed in WW1) my uncle (killed by sniper WW2) and my father (POW WW2) Lived through some crappy times growing up with dad--but as an adult understand more what it must have been like!! LEST WE FORGET
  9. Geez, maybe we should just revert back to the "outback" dunny where the paper was just torn squares hangin' on a nail
  10. Aussie Annie


    S................ STILL N................ NEED O................ ONE-FA W............... "WHY"
  11. Geez, what's next "sorry mate it's a leap year!!"
  12. Are you canucks bored or what!!!!!!! Need to get a life
  13. You get that funny white stuff, don't ya
  14. OOPS, we had an ice cream on the way home--- forgot to take pic Will try harder next time Big Tom
  15. I think you say ALL-bany, we say AL-bany :rotf:
  16. All the best to you Hope the next fort is a better fort than the fort you're in :whistling:
  17. Ditto That Carl (do you ship to Oz?)
  18. Know the feeling-- I spend alot of time house--bound now. But do the right thing now and all will be good for riding in the future
  19. Aussie Annie


    'Cause we don't want it over here
  20. We got :sun1::sun: AND :scorched: IS COMING!!
  21. Aussie Annie


    How about these answers :whistling:
  22. Geez, I go away for the weekend and come back to find the highly technical discussion is on "toilet paper" :doh: A lot of bored people were there????:confused24: And the answer is: OVER THE TOP :happy34: Mind you, I think the whole thing is "over the top" :crackup:
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