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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Aussie Annie


    BINGO!.....what? -- oops WHY??
  2. Massey and Chezley.......thanks for the get well words. Chezley, yep around 3,500 old farts attended the rally. Glad to hear they enjoyed it.
  3. Aussie Annie


    Why, I think it may have to do with the "silly sods" I find in here.......WHY????
  4. :clap2: from over here too Safe journey home!!
  5. Hey RandyR.........will check that out when I've finished the strong anti-biotics
  6. Geez Tom, I'm so sorry, but my whip don't come with an extension handle:rasberry: you're gonna have to find someone a bit closer! [Hey Mini, you busy??]
  7. Looks like Mini and I will have to come up with a plan :stirthepot: Is being a "character" a good thing??
  8. Glad to see you had a great ride with your brother's and sister, and MOO to you!!!!! :crackup:
  9. :dancefool: Way to go Cougar!
  10. I'm Back ....cough, cough:sick:
  11. Thank you kind sir:happy34:
  12. Aussie Annie


    :bawling:WHY are we closing "WHY" :confused24: Annie has to sit here with a metal gizmo on her leg while you all go ride :doh: WHY will no-one be in here till next winter :scratchchin: WHY?????
  13. Hey Dudes, and Dudesses............ we are back from our trip. But I'm busy coughing all the time:yikes: got me adult whooping cough, and the meds are so strong I'm real loopy (now, now, play nice!!) and light headed.
  14. Have my whip and stick ready Bubber :yikes:
  15. Sometimes when I feel bad all it takes is a short ride and I usually feel better. I can't explain it, maybe it's the vibration, who knows but it sounds like it works for a few of us. Great post, it should be required reading for everyone. John YEP, it's the gentle vibration, works similar to a TENS unit, which gives a constant electric current to ease the pain. Most folk think you are just full of it when you say it though.
  16. :sign yeah that: I'm with you!!!
  17. Before my accident I worked in the disability sector, so learnt first hand how cold and un-caring some people have become. My residents were also interlectually challenged as well as physically----and I trained my staff to support their right to live and share in their local community. I came across people who believed they should not be taken out in public, or enjoy participating in weekly food shopping. These people certainly got "the hairy eyeball" from me !!!! Now I am disabled myself I am on the receiving end of some of that ignorance. To go into the shopping centre on my elbow crutches is really running the gauntlet, as people cut you off, walk across in front of you, or steer prams and trolleys into me. I can't change direction easily -- they can. (very frightening for me) THEY JUST DON'T LOOK. And the rude stares I get 'cause I don't pull my right leg in out of the way... thinking of putting a sign on it "IT DON'T BEND FOLKS" instead of constantly warning people, or saying watch out because THEY are not looking where they are going. Where do I feel "normal" "independent" "freedom" ???????? ON MY RSV OF COURSE. Sometimes I think I should call my quike "SANITY" and not Dotty because that's what it has become..... thanks to Quickstep and his support, and to some members on here, who helped with "bits" to set it up for me to carry my crutches when I ride. I was raised to be respectful of others less fortunate, not to stare at peole with disabilities, and to remember: "There, but for the grace of GOD go me or mine"
  18. Been away, and nearly missed the order Have paypal'd for 1 x no pocket (2XL) and 1 x pocket (XL) Don, I've sent $8 for shipping -- let me know if it's enough.....if it goes the other way and there is any left over, add it to the funds for the centre (where Eileen volunteers)
  19. We are back from our trip down south (for the Ulysses Club rally and AGM.) First week we spent setting up the gearshop, and second week we spent 9-5 selling the merchandise! All went well--sold $12,000 on first day, and same again on second one. Weather really hot during the week and the leg swelled badly. That wasn't the worst of it though 'cause I got sick starting in the first week!!!!! Diagnosed with (wait for it) ADULT WHOOPING COUGH have damn near coughed myself inside out Dr. said it's also called the "100 day cough" Oh, goody Geez, I would just like to deal with one thing at a time!! Hope everyone is doing okay over there, did I miss anything exciting????????
  20. COME ON DOWN!!!!!!!
  21. :sign yeah that: "sorry officer, I tripped and my fist accidently hit his face"
  22. Geez, when I saw the title of your post I thought OOOOO, YES PLEASE!!
  23. It was just a thought :confused24: Sure would save on monkey butt Nice view for the traffic behind you too
  24. Yeah, don't want to come up against the "wrath of the bird" again :yikes:
  25. Any colour, thank you sir...just wish we could be there :bawling:
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