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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Hey Tom, doesn't that apply to nearly every thread/post in here?
  2. Did you try the stone tablets (blame tartan terror not me)
  3. Just learn how to duck as you come up the driveway! :duck:
  4. How 'bout "down under" :rotf::rotf:
  5. exercising laughter muscles...thanks :crackup:
  6. :rotf::rotf: This is so funny right now 'cos we just had the "biggest" downpour!! So I think one of your states is bone dry now Water will come upside down to ya
  7. Yeah, and lethal with a bucket! :crackup::crackup:
  8. My friend Jane was thrilled with the feed-back I gave from all of you, and said to pass on her thanks.
  9. :clap2::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  10. Wingnuts over here can mean "big ears" you all got them too :rotf::rotf:
  11. How about "SLICK SILVER" :dancefool: Congrats Michelle on a nice scoot..and "safety chrome" here we come :happy34:
  12. didn't take it as being a pot-shot David. Agree with you that animals are taught, therefore look to the owner. The Am. pit bull was bred as a fighting dog, and here there is so much inter-breeding that it has created a real bad problem, with deaths occurring.It's not the only dog with restrictions on it...and all caused by dumb humans who think it sport to watch dogs' rip each other apart!!
  13. Awww Cr**p!! sorry to hear about the knee. Hope all will be fixed soon. Don't give up on the bike...there are alternatives to consider--and like Condor said "the bike becomes your legs"
  14. Hey Margaret, Does that mean you won't need the raincoat now?? What about the cattle prod and the other "things" I was fixin' to send ya for MD Guess it's going to be a real quiet MD this year:rasberry:
  15. Used to think my old man was an optical illusion (rarely home due to his job)
  16. So sorry for the loss of your little buddy. Thank heavens it's against the law to own an American pit bull here.
  17. Well Dan, if'n yer gonna make a mess...it might as well be a big one Saves you introducing yourself :crackup:everyone just referred to you as "the yankie eejut in the truck"
  18. Geez Lowell, seems some in here might know you better than others :rotf::rotf:
  19. Nope, not just you. I have had trouble for most of the week!!
  20. Wacko!! The norty Korner.....can I come play too?
  21. I take it this was a joke? Don't get me started Anyway enough of this...... at the moment I'm the rider and Quickstep is the pillion, and I agree with Brenda :clap2:
  22. Hey Earl, how are things progressing? Hope all is going well for you.
  23. Computer hiccup at my end...sorted now. Sorry for spitting the dummy And thanks to everyone for playing the game Slinking off now...Thanks!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Glad you like the song "bite your butt" ......ever stop to think that YOU might be on the wrong side of the road?
  25. Was it something you said :rotf:
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