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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Okey Dokey then... protection units vs cane at say, 10 paces? :rotf::rotf:
  2. Bubber, How's it goin? No probs about the road, I'll just sit in the middle of the lane with my Quike..remembering which side when I turn could get interesting though And after the holiday I could be in more trouble than Speed Gordon when I get back here! Thanks for the invite. Will you guys make MD or Cody next year?
  3. Yeah, but I come with my own protection units (elbow crutches)
  4. All talk and no action ....does that make Dan a dull boy??
  5. sarges46 and utadventure......thanks I've been told to get a Michelin map of the states. Any one know where I can get one online?
  6. As red wine and whiskey are all Quickstep can drink now--he's gonna LOOOOVE our trip. That's if he remembers it Oh, and cheese is prolly his favourite munchy snack. I always get asked "you want a hunk, or a slab?" when he is cutting the cheese.
  7. Well, beef jerky lasts a long time. And Vegemite can be spread thin too!
  8. Prolly fall over!:crackup::crackup:
  9. Maybe that's all they can do now Possum....only think about it!!
  10. You'd all get a laugh at my seat I need to sit higher so that there is a downward angle on my stiff leg....so under my sheepskin cover (home made) I have my airhawk cushion with extra memory foam inside the zip cover, so I sit high in the saddle :happy65: "What ever floats ya boat" to ride, right??
  11. Behave now boys The balsamic peanuts are my favourite too
  12. Well, as Minimuffin has posted in the sticky section...WE ARE COMING TO THE USA IN 2011 Have a rough itinerary worked out and my Quike is booked with deposit paid to ship next year. My lawyer said "GO" so we will borrow from Alan's super if the claim is not settled. MD at Freebirds' in Ohio is the first thing to celebrate with VR folk Then some touring (in car?) before making our way to Portland to pick up the bike, and purchase a used one for Quickstep. Hopefully we will find a dealer who might do a buy-back deal. Then we wind our way to the International Rally in Cody. Room already booked--thank you Condor:thumbsup2: After that we will ride your great country, and see as much of it, and as many members as we can.:happy65:Remembering that I will need some days to just "veg" out and elevate the leg. We would like to thank all who have offered places to stay (too many to list) over the time I have been a member here. Will certainly take some of you up on that! But mainly your generosity to two people you haven't even met yet!! You are all helping me realise a dream I've had for year's (riding tour of USA)...........God Bless...................... Bent, Buckled, But Ridin'
  13. Just wondering what you thought of the Vegemite? and the beef jerky?
  14. Shouldn't that be "black polled"
  15. Thanks for the reply, and the offer to use your address It's not for me. It's the "go to dealer, find bike, pay cash, ride off" kinda thing. Would hope for a "buy back" deal?? Are the rules different in each state?
  16. Okey Dokey, and as I'm a buddy too............. Weather overcast Bl**dy cold in the house Hands are frozen Don't grow corn Coffee's gone cold Have to get Quickstep's bike battery tested Talkin' to friends' in here AND....me undies are beige!!!!
  17. Can anyone give me info on where I can find the rules and regs of buying a bike in the States? Inquiring minds would like to know
  18. Why the sudden need to know...you movin'???
  19. Well for goodness sake...I'm a friend so that makes two!! And anyone named Jack can't be too bad
  20. Hey Cruser, Here's some coffee and cake on me We just had a little mini meet & eat...did ya enjoy it
  21. Thanks for the update Eck. Give our best to La...prayers sent.
  22. Welcome Home And thank you for your service
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