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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. to all :big-grin-emoticon:
  2. Geez, with that many burgers to sample I'll have to tie Quickstep down
  3. please excuse me............ Fan--Bloody--Tastic!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap2:
  4. Thanks for all that Brian. Will probably purchase here, so can get used to it. But when I do will pick your brains for help with set up
  5. Brian....got a question. For our trip to the states would an IPad be all I'll need????????? Just want to be able to email, store photo's and have a ride planner [maps] stored. Or would I need a laptop?? [Apple of course]
  6. Puttin' in my two bob's worth: In Australia: No loud pipes above 98?? decibels [bikes have compliance label] Booze buses out most weekends.[These announced in media] All LEO's carry breathalizer's in vehicles, and can also do random stops, safety checks, license and breatherlizer checks. "Scalies" [road traffic authority] can set up on major highways and do safety, license, log book checks. ......that's just the main one's..........................
  7. You've got to be kidding!!
  8. Hey Shane, I've got the Cool Blue Pearl & Black!! Check out: http://www.hdforums.com.au [join the aussies]
  9. Spread the gifts around big guy Oh, and the ball is for the DOG
  10. Congrats on the new ride I gots me one of them, being converted to trike
  11. Got a PM from Chad [thanks] and have requested he bring a River road jacket for Alan to try Great service
  12. yeah that!!!!!!!!!
  13. Happy Anniversary
  14. Prayer sent from here Steve. Best wishes to your family, and her husband
  15. Quickstep needs a new leather jacket, so thought we would buy in the states. Does your family owned bike store sell them? He wants the "Brando" style jacket, with no belt on the front, but wants to try it on if he can get one. Just thought if they were coming to MDthey could throw one in the trailer [2XL]?????????????
  16. Happy Birthday to condor's daughter
  17. Okay, will take the opportunity to ask the canucks a question. Coming from Oz should I come with some Canadian currency?? We have Travelex Visa's in $US.....but will we get hit with international fee if we use??
  18. Horse riding:think: Hope you got a pillow and some monkey butt powder :crackup:
  19. Wow, thanks for the tour Hey, I'm naughty...but I'm nice Plum tuckered out after such a great day, so don't put me too close to them thar critters don't want to become an endangered species :yikes:
  20. Hey 'Beav, If'n ya get to come to MD be prepared for a whole pile of "Dear Dorothy Dix"......and that's just the guys :yikes:
  21. Prayers sent.......all the best to you all
  22. Got some nice work there
  23. Thanks for the next installment Glad you had a great ride and didn't get caught up in his "ego" pumping stuff when ya got near home.
  24. And to your NICE twin brother..... Thank you
  25. Bite ya bum, smarty pants
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