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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Thanks Wayde. Mini had a member in Springfield,Portland in mind, don't know if that is still the case. I am having my 1st service and an E Z Steer fitted at "Paradise Harley" in Tigard when trike ships in. Have been emailing Matt in service dept. ......so maybe they might hold it for us??
  2. Geez, I could be in trouble then 'Cause I'll be pulling it with a Harley trike
  3. AAWW cr*p Wally........bouncing off walls ain't nice. Hope things improve for you.....and Hey! trikin' ain't bad ya know
  4. forgot to take in to consideration that three weeks after surgery I would be flying to Sydney, taking possession of the new trike....then riding it 650 miles to Brisbane to have it at the depot for shipping So, thank you for all your kind thoughts....but have decided not to have corrective surgery till we return Not willing to chance a hiccup in our plans/trip
  5. Not as silly as it sounds. Got anyone who knits?? Get them to knit you some "sleeves" to use on your leg. My mum used to knit sleeves for our daughter when she was little and doing irish dancing, with a band top and bottom.
  6. GOD guides her hands...what a gift she is!! :clap2: [hope someone donates paints, and postage at least] If I had her address, she would get an anonymous donation from over here
  7. I know the frustration of not having the legs work for ya! Hope it improves when the weather warms up.
  8. Dip? what kinda dip?? I love dip?? [especially if its free]
  9. Yeah, but you RODE it home as apposed to havin' to trailer the HD
  10. After waiting over a year for corrective surgery on the hole I have in my left thigh...I get the letter to go in on 18th April As they will be cutting and fixing the muscle, and the edge of the skin graft [too tight] WILL I HAVE TIME TO HEAL? before leaving on our trip five weeks later??????????? Just don't know what to do
  11. Going by the pics I've seen of the pond monster...it will give him somewhere to park the front wheel of his bike :rotf:
  12. You take care of yourself Dan......big ten four It's gonna feel like she DID hit ya with the pan when they are done
  13. You're tempting fate now Dray
  14. Okie Dokie You catch 'em, I'll pin 'em
  15. I think the big rusky should say: "I full of $*@#!!!!
  16. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  17. But apparently the spelling has changed...."Freedird"
  18. Did that make ya eye feel better
  19. .....and as the big 60 edges closer---I'll have a "bucket" of chocolate ice cream thanks
  20. Well I can fit right in Got butterflies on my new fender bra for the trike
  21. Thanks for reminding me don't want to miss him in a crowd, do we?
  22. Okay....you need to wear a funny hat then, don't wanna miss ya!!
  23. Okay, what happened?? Was on the ipad last night, went to reply to a post....and no keyboard
  24. Waiting to hear if you can help with rain suit foor the big guy??
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