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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. We over here are glad to hear she is okay
  2. How wonderful :clap2:
  3. Thank you soooo much everyone Had a great day, out with my cousins' for a chin wag and lunch .....which one to choose: 23 or 18????? decisions, decisions Actually backwards is not something I can do now! Boomer--keep them pygmies to ya self
  4. Yep, get butterflies now
  5. please see answers above
  6. We went to the U.S. consulate here in Perth yesterday and got 5 year visa's. By the time we were escorted by security guard in and out of two sections, we had been in and out of the states twice!!!!!
  7. Thanks Jonesy. And thanks Lone Eagle for sending me the Cody list
  8. Thinking of you at this time. Mum's are special
  9. Starship snaggletooth"
  10. Friend is making badges BUT any suggestions on how I find out names of all the "guest" listings????? Is it possible to go in and change your RSVP and put the name????? Sorry to be a "pain in the bum" Or should I bring blank badges and a marker pen?????
  11. Geez, April is a busy month ....paid mine as well
  12. UPDATE: Went to a meeting last night and found out a friend of ours has just got a badge making kit SOOOO.... she will make all the badges for me Only problem now is there will be a lot wearing the name: "guest"
  13. :clap2:
  14. Wow, not one bit of advice....amazing guess you'll all just have to pin on the piece of card with ya name on it
  15. Wayde.....plan B Talked it over with Quickstep, and WE WILL COME AND GET THE TRAILER After servicing the trike in Tigard we will head for your place. We can fine tune the plan, and get your address when we see you at MD. The hotel in Portland has agreed to hold our luggage for the whole time we are riding, so we can stay an extra night there and pack the trailer before heading to Utah Gives me a chance to make sure trike is A-okay after servicing and EZ steer fitted as well
  16. :clap2: agree with owl, make a good poster
  17. Well said Lori
  18. Don't you go wearin' that number out now!!
  19. It's gonna feel nice to be "normal" again [decent hours]
  20. Wow, got a phone call from J&P Cycles this morning! I had made a query via email in regard to my visa statement..and they went that extra bit to speak to me personally
  21. HellOOOOOOO.....does anybody come in here????????
  22. Thanks for the install...ooops, update
  23. I've started on the insert cards, but the plastic name tag holders look like they will weigh too much in the luggage We got too many friendly folk So thought I would order the tag holders over there and send them to Freebirds'???? Was thinking ebay, or amazon.....whad'ya think??
  24. So sorry if I upset your delicate frosting
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