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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. We have used the domed decal as the badge with name at the bottom. Please, Please....... Go back to the RSVP list for MD and fill in names for your "guest" You know who they are----BUT WE DON'T!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP US IN THIS WAY:australia:
  2. Congrats to you...and your son. Our eldest is a third dan black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and used to fight competitively. Has represented his state and Australia [proud mum]
  3. Why, you thinkin' of volunteering? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk. Aussie Annie
  4. AAWW Cr*p!! what's gonna happen when he meets us
  5. :dancefool:We is coming Gentle reminder.........please put a name for ride partner/wife on the RSVP list for Freebird's we are getting badges made. Can't have half the attendee's with the name "guest"
  6. Try the aussie site: http://www.hdforums.com.au If you ignore the language and testosterone, there are very knowledgeable folks--and tech sections.
  7. Congrats....and may you never get a puncture!!
  8. Hey Mini, you could help Charlie by putting some ice in ya bucket :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  9. Have a badge....hope you like 'em Request: If you have posted "guest" for your partner/wife for M.D.--could you go into RSVP and put their name please :bowdown: my friend is working off this list. Any one with "guest" will get a badge and we'll have to put a sticker on it on the day
  10. Hope you have a wonderful trip
  11. Congrats on the new ride
  12. But "loss of self esteem" will come from the bullying. And that will affect the child the rest of their life. I've had experience of that with children, and foster children....it's soul destroying!
  13. Yeah, have bowl....will travel
  14. Go Marcus Ambrose aussie,aussie,aussie :australia:
  15. Self esteem self esteem self esteem I would consider it for any of my children
  16. :Im not listening to:Im not listening to I will have aussie flags a-flying on it, so that might help:big-grin-emoticon:
  17. Thanks everyone...feel better about it now. As stated above, my permit is "mobile" for use with any vehicle I'm travelling in [or on!] So when in a car I will hang it from the mirror. I have stickers ready to go for the new trike. They are of the blue international wheelchair symbol, and I will put one on the screen, and one on the rear of the trike. [that's what I do here] I will carry permit in the bike and show it when asked. Not willing to leave it out on the trike...someone might think they need it more than I do!
  18. Just 'cause you read the menu Don't mean you're gonna eat at the restuarant!! [ Huh Bobby]
  19. I like it better when there's a passenger on the back. Check with Voyager, 'cause the importer here has sent me emails on two upgrades for the XVZ1300 kit
  20. Hope it's good news Dan. Hey, I just re-modelled my crutch holders I have bought chrome cup holders from Leader, and worked a way for them to go on new trike
  21. I emailed the U.S. consulate in Canberra, to ask if my ACROD disability permit would be recognised in the states. Answer was: "please check with each state you will be passing through :yikes: Crap! gonna spend more time checking that out than touring......... HELP:crying: can anyone find out over there please?:bowdown: [copy is of old permit]
  22. OUCH!! Got those done at the Dr's in the afternoon. Just recommended a combination flu shot, as I had tetanus booster after the accident. Quickstep got both
  23. I'll sit with ya Bobby
  24. We will be talking to people at MD and getting some idea's of area's to look at Got the U.S. visa's sorted....just need to figure out what to pack
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