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Aussie Annie

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Everything posted by Aussie Annie

  1. Okie Dokie.....gonna slap ya upside the head with a hunk of WOOD when I see ya :buttkick:
  2. I'll start chucking wood if ya don't stop the wood jokes LOL Was so syc'd for the ride (700 miles)
  3. Enough with the wood jokes beer
  4. Was ready to fly to the east coast Friday night, for Saturday pick up of my trike..not ready Apparently it was held up in customs, due to the timber used to make the crate luckily I had allowed a week in case of hiccups. Now we'll be cutting it fine to deliver to the shipping agent Wow, what a day!!
  5. Well done US forces. The low life even used a woman as a shield
  6. Unfortunately not having reverse on the quike has made my left side get worse! As it's the "good" side, I depend on it a lot....so we decided that a trike with reverse was the way to go. Talked about it, and checked options out most of last year. Then found a H-D dealer in Sydney who imports and installs the Motor Trike kit....so that's the way we've gone. I gave the Venture to Quickstep, who has taken it back to two wheels [and enjoying it!] AL has decided to keep the voyager kit, as he may need it further down the track...his hips are giving him some trouble
  7. Does your didg have a bee's wax mouth piece?? It closes off the end a bit better, and you keep a seal with lips on it better. Let me know if you want me to get you one. They last for about a year...or until they go hard.
  8. Glad to hear you survived another "punce" on a phone!
  9. And I'm starting to pack our bike gear, ready to fly out to Sydney Friday night......to pick up the new trike Woo Hoo!
  10. Trim off the "sides" of the front portion of the seat, this will allow the legs to come in a little closer to the bike and give more ground touch
  11. I think this particular welcome home will heal a lot more vet hearts too. Semper Fi
  12. Go on have ya fun! We're thick skinned down here.
  13. He looks good. How about "Canuckaroo"
  14. Ditto, me too!
  15. ......and what do you do in your SPARE time???????:clap2:
  16. Fantastic! Thank you for your service soldier. Semper Fi
  17. Geez, has everybody got one
  18. Picked up the tickets and stuff today........it's really gonna happen isn't it!
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