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Everything posted by Evan

  1. Sure agree re Kancamagus highway. Did it last summer. Will say though that the pavement was a bit rough last summer.
  2. For sure, she's a keeper. Just remember, us guys need to be keepers too.
  3. Wow!!!
  4. Saw this HD powered lawn mower at the Wheels Through Time museum in NC on our Venture South trip. Just wondering - wouldn't a Venture mower be better? Probably wouldn't need as much rake.
  5. I know that "squirmy" feeling from the past. Almost stopped to check just yesterday riding through the Finger Lakes area but in my case, it was just uneven road with ridges and troughs. Good thing you knew enough to stop and check, and had repair stuff for your temporary fix. I'm wondering if the Roll On stuff for tire balancing would also stop leaks through a puncture. Thinking of using that for my next tire change. If it would, it makes me think that regular tire inspections would be even more important.
  6. Prayers for sure. Been there twice. I suspected what was happening right away the second time around. Been told it is the men's version of giving birth, but can't confirm that. The good news is that you passed a stone. Hopefully, no more to come this time.
  7. The last few days of our 4300 km Venture South were filled with a bit of bad luck followed by some amazing GOOD LUCK experiences. Here are some examples: Bad Luck - I pulled over to check the map going into Wellsboro, PA and the bike quit and wouldn't start due to weak battery. Out of desperation, tried to push start. GOOD LUCK - a woman in a pickup who just happened to have bought a power pack that day stopped to see if we needed help. Bad luck - She gave us directions to a NAPA auto parts store in Wellsboro. However I made a wrong turn and the bike quit again in a parking lot where I was turning around. GOOD LUCK - Right beside the parking lot was another auto part shop and the owner helped to diagnose our problem with his equipment (stator tested good when bike was cold and battery tested bad ). He also checked and told us that a severe rainstorm was heading our way so we had a wonderful overnight stay at the Canyon Inn (recommended by Wizard 765) and picked up a new fully charged battery the next morning (another sunny day) Bad luck - we decided to do a one hour run to view the PA Grand Canyon before the rain. Rode the five mile road up to the viewing area and just before we got to it, encountered a very large tree down and blocking the road, so had to turn back. By then, it had started to rain. GOOD LUCK - made it back to the Canyon Hotel seconds before a one hour torrential downpour. Watched the rain from the front of our room sitting with and enjoying beers given to us by another biker from Toronto, Ontario. Great visit. Bad Luck - after riding through the Finger Lake area, started to head towards Buffalo on secondary highway with numerous stops. Voltmeter showed same charging problem. GOOD LUCK - stopped to remove headlight fuse and phoned jayceesfolly (Jim). Found out I was 20 minutes from his place near Rochester and rode there to charge battery and check out problem. With Jim's help, confirmed it was stator, and had a fabulous visit and dinner with Jim and his wife while waiting for battery charge. Bad Luck - to make it back home from Rochester, had to ride after dark without stopping and with no headlight. GOOD LUCK - Jim filled my tank with his gas. Made it across the border at Buffalo with no lineup. Had just enough gas to get home. My recently installed LED running lights were bright enough to ride safe. Overall, it was a fabulous two week 4300 km trip and my wife is ready to head out again as soon as my stator problem is fixed. In addition, the fellowship and help from so many members of our VentureRider family has been just plain amazing. Here are a few pics from last two days, including pics of a buggy waiting to cross a four lane road, stalled next to the auto part shop, checking the stator, calling VentureRider friends for advice, the PA Grand Canyon, watching torrential rain, the Montous Waterfalls and sites along the Finger Lakes.
  8. Yup Bob, looks like a good job well done. Love these 1st gens, and it is great to see them like yours.
  9. Sounds like it really is a bike of choice. Enjoy!
  10. Sure don't feel stuck with you Larry. Rather, feel honored that you will be staying around and active. . Hope and expect the Slingshot will put new smiles in your belly and Joyce will enjoy it as much as her beautiful sports car. Nevertheless, I can understand some sad emotions as your Venture trike departs to it's new home.
  11. --- today was another good day as we rode from Virginia through a bit of West Virginia and on through Maryland, ending up in State College PA, although distance traveled was not much more than 200 miles. That is generally all we do each day given the type of roads we take and our frequent "unplanned" stops. Despite black clouds in sight all day as you can see, we managed to ride away from them and to,our amazement, stayed dry although frequently, the road was wet from rain. Because the road was so twisty and narrow, we had to follow this farm implement for a mile or so. Once again, I spent time figuring out what road to take next, several times as you can see. The day ended with this fabulous burger. A great ending for another great day.
  12. --- Sunday was another good day with more amazing roads and sites. First we experienced the 35 mile Back of the Dragon ride starting in Marion VA. From there we roughly paralleled I81 on more amazing secondary roads through the Virginia countryside. Along the way, we saw and I walked across this swimming bridge over a river that bounced so much with each step that Anne refused to walk on it. So many rural Virginia sights along the way such as this log cabin. During the day, I watched my speedo turn over for the second time around (because it reads in kms, that's about 125,000 miles). As you can also see, I spent some time trying to decide what roads we took next. In fact, we were lost a number of times each day.
  13. --- after changing my oil at Angel's on Saturday, we started our journey home. Our first stop was at the amazing Wheels Throughout Time museum in Maggie Valley. Met the guy who created the Barn Find TV show there, with some of the found bikes. While a pic of a HD "mechanic on duty" clock from there is included, I didn't think that was an interesting museum piece as VentureRiders know that HD's require that. On to more hair pinned roads that in some cases, were scary steep, for miles. Then on to Virginia which really is for lovers. To our surprise, we saw Texas Longhorns along the way.
  14. Can't believe our good fortune on this trip as each day has been filled with beautiful scenery, exciting roads and great weather. We met others who rode the interstate (I81) and hit heavy rain. Here are a few pics from Friday. We did a day trip from Waynesville (where we stayed two nights for evening visits with Angel and Lori). We started by riding the last 30 miles of the BRP. On our way to Deal's Gap, we stumbled across a place that hosted the world whitewater kayak championship. After riding the Tail of the Dragon, we circled through the Smoky Mountains Park. What an experience.
  15. Great looking machine. Next, tell us your impressions as you ride and grow to really like it.
  16. Stayed a couple of nights in Waynesville, NC for great visits with Brown Angel and his wife Lori after our day rides. He took this picture while I was changing oil in his garage.
  17. Good looking stable mates. Glad they are getting along. Looking forward to more stories as you are able to ride and compare both.
  18. We just rode the entire Skyline Drive and BRP. Overall, we thought the roads were very good, and it is an amazing ride. But there are so many great roads along the way and through the Smokies area. Today, we stumbled onto the 35 mile "Back of the Dragon" ride from Marion, VA and learned there is also a 224 mile ride in VA called the Claw of the Dragon".
  19. Another great day with a great finish. Rode the BRP all day ending up near the south end in Waynesville, NC. More great roads, great sights and weather. Hard to describe how good it was. Ended the day having a great visit with Brown Angel and his beautiful wife Lori. Tomorrow - the Tail of the Dragon. Here are a few pics from today. One of a log cabin (saw many like this along the way), one of a road sign that speaks for itself, one of a tunnel through the mountains (went through many Ike this), one at the highest elevation along the BRP and one of or good visit with Angel and Laurie. --- the speedo reading pic doesn't show that this is the second time around.
  20. Yes. Apparently, it has a new owner and they just reopened their motel.
  21. Thanks all for the comments. Another great ride day. Staying tonight at a neat "bikers" motel at Laurel Springs NC called Freeborne's. Pics include some from there. Also pics of my wife at a rest break, an old mill which is the most photographed site on the BRP, a whiskey still, and an old manure spreader turned into a southern garden. In case you can't read the sign on it, the little concrete "bunker" at Freeborne's is the local jail and wedding chappell for bikers.
  22. Fabulous result and great write-up.
  23. Just rode from Roanoke to Freeborn's at Laural Springs (north of Boone). A few bumps but overall, pretty good road condition. Down to one lane for a mile or so where they are rebuilding the road.
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