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Everything posted by Evan

  1. Nothin like a happy first genner. Glad you had a good ride!
  2. Casablanca sounds good. We will be there by 8:15. Anne will be with me.
  3. I recall this suggestion also made by Condor in the past. I have been using my ratchet with a flex head and either a short extension or a flex joint. Worked ok. However, due to reading this thread, I tried using some gas line hose today when I changed my plugs. Sure works good and I now carry a hose in my tool kit. What a great site.
  4. Thanks guys. Problem solved. I went for a quick look and figured out how to access and reconnect the cable behind the headlight. Glad I don't have bigger hands.
  5. Suddenly without warning it died. Recently disconnected cable at wheel and greased inner cable, which looked good. Is there a good chance that the cable separated at upper attachment? What is best way to access this?
  6. Hey Mike, I suggested LIncoln Park when I thought it would only be Carl and I going Sat am cause Carl has an interest in LP (no, not for himself). If you guys are going, it may be best to stick with the Casablanca plan unless you and Tammie don't want to ride directly to Lockport, which we are doing to meet up with the group there.
  7. Sounds like a very good plan. Anne is considering joining us, Also, maybe we could meet at Lincoln Park lounge - have coffee and goodies there and I would offer you a quick tour of the place. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. If you want to do the cave ride, I will be there by 7 with a smile. To avoid traffic, I would want to be there by no later than 8:30 anyway (or after 10). What is your preference? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. May have similar challenge on my 88VR, so I'm listening.
  10. Carl, I won't make it to TO till Friday evening. Are you good with Sat am departure. I could meet at Casablanca by 8:30 or a bit earlier. Would plan on leaving after the BBQ diner. Any others from from SW Ont going Sat am?
  11. Pretty sure my 88 VR does not have fork boots so I am also interested in whether this is an option.
  12. Interesting comment. Been riding for almost 50 years and never thought my waving at fellow bikers was the least bit dangerous. Maybe it's all in the technique.
  13. Looks like I will make it back to Toronto (home) Friday night. Sure would like to make it to this event on Sat or Sun. Could possibly meet others heading over Sat am and would ride back after dinner Sat evening. Looks like good riding weather. Carl, have you got your ducks lined up yet?
  14. Amazing story Dave. In my case, I joined a group at what turned out to be a great outdoor garden party and made a few new friends. Not even close to being as exciting as your experience, but It remains a good memory.
  15. Unlike others (such as Goose and Condor here), I can't help you but I sure would like to wish you good luck in getting back on the road again, soon. We are all sure lucky to have the benefit of their experience and info.
  16. Sure understand you mixed emotions that you must be feeling. I also get angry every time I hear about such accidents that should never have happened. In fact, I think these shouldn't even be called accidents when they result from selfish or bad driving. Hope there is some form of silver lining for you with your new ride, whatever it is.
  17. Sure would like to ride along with you Ben and make it to this rally. Unfortunately, it still looks like we can't make it.
  18. Evan


    What an uplifting story Carl. A good case of what goes around comes around.
  19. Evan


    Can't help you but GOOD LUCK.
  20. Sounds and looks fabulous. Enjoy!
  21. Evan


    Join the club. Oh yea, you have. Now continue to enjoy. (My wife has now gone coast to coast behind me with no complaints.)
  22. Evan


    Glad you and your new ride are OK but damn that pisses you off. Wish there was some magic wand to eliminate bad drivers like that. Anyway, enjoy your holidays Phil.
  23. Evan

    newb question

    Definitely agree. More often than not an E4 message can be fixed with a minor solder job. There are some good threads with pics on the site for this.
  24. Evan


    Me too. Put bags and Vetter fairing on the 650 KZ and toured with it for years with my dad who had the CB 1000. Tried an Interstate for a while but liked the KZ much better so I sold the Interstate. My dad who is now 88 still talks about his bike.
  25. Great pics Bernie. Enjoy your ride and keep on posting. Are you solo? Are you pulling a trailer?
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