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Everything posted by Evan

  1. Glad you are back home with Mary and hope your recovery is smooth and quick Gary. Best wishes to both of you. Hope you found your bell and it works well.
  2. Took the 407 a few weeks back on my 1st gen with a led light bar under the trunk. Maybe I will get lucky, especially as I got on the 407 by mistake because I wasn't paying enough attention.
  3. . Good pics Bill. Very nice bike. One of my favourite colours too. Thanks for posting.
  4. Scott, my personal opinion is that the VR is hands down better based on my memory. I owned a 1200 Interstate many years ago and sold it cause it disappointed me in many ways including handling, buffeting, and riding comfort. Many years later I bought my 1st VR. Like it so much after riding coast to coast that I bought a second VR so I can finish my riding years on one of them.
  5. Wayne, that just goes to show that it can happen to the best people.
  6. Be safe and have a great trip. Not sure you have any more room for stickers on the bike though.
  7. Fabulous post Puc. Guess I will have to ride to Nebraska!
  8. I started a thread a couple of years ago called Emergency Exhaust Repair. Think I had the same problem you describe while riding through rural Saskatchewan, almost 2000 miles from home. Did an emergency repair which is still working two years and many thousand miles later. However, I do hope to do a proper repair real soon. There are some pics of my repair in my original post, which I think this link will take you to: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63863
  9. Yup. And you can gently lay in down the same.
  10. Yes. Last year, I suddenly hit a wall of stopped traffic on a 60+mph 4 lane highway, travelling on the inside lane. Immediately checked my mirrors and saw that a Dodge van coming up behind me had no chance of stopping in time, and I am not sure I could have myself. My escape route that time was to ride into the gap between the two lanes of stopped traffic. That left the shoulder open and the van slid by both me (as well as the car in front of me) on the gravel shoulder.
  11. Know the feeling Mama. We just finished our first VentureRider spring ride which was part of MarCarl's annual VentureIn. We were blessed with fabulous weather and it felt so good to meet new and old friends again as well as to enjoy a rare good weather day as they have been scarce so far this year in our area.
  12. Sounds good Carl. I may be able to make it this week. Will let you know by Wed am.
  13. Congratulations on what looks to be a GREAT job. I think these are great bikes and having a long term relationship with one that looks that good is pretty special.
  14. Glad to hear you got out today Phil. We also rode a bit here in Toronto. Still lots of ice and snow but good roads and better weather. Saw quite a few bikes on the road.
  15. Plus One. That is where I bought mine several years ago and they are excellent people.
  16. Good one Bob. Proud to be just another Canuck!
  17. Like to share an experience that this thread made me think of. The strongest bond with my father resulted from our many years of touring together each summer throughout eastern Canada and the US. We stayed off the slabs and focused more on the journey than the destination. Then came his major heart attack, where they had to zap him several times to bring him back to life. Didn't know whether he would make it through the night. Went back to the house and put together a large collage of pictures from our many bike trips together and propped it up at the end of his bed, in case he came to. He did, and while he no longer is able to ride (he's almost 90 now), we still talk about our bikes and trips together.
  18. Hey Bob, it's 5 o'clock somewhere!
  19. Wow!! Just fabulous!!
  20. Pus one from my own experience
  21. Good news My own experience was similar went my parked 88 went down from heavy wind..The damage was much less than it initially appeared.. These bikes continue to amaze me.
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