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About Evan

  • Birthday 10/18/1947

Personal Information

  • Name
    Evan Merritt


  • Location
    Toronto, ON, Canada


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  • Interests
    Biking, boating, snowmobiling
  • Bike Year and Model
    88 Yamaha Venture Royale; 86 Yamaha Venture Royale

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  1. Sure enjoyed the posted pics. So sorry that we Canadians were not able to attend this year. Happy and safe riding to all and hopefully, next year!
  2. I am sure happy to hear that the Rally is a go but sure sad that my wife is under doc orders to not travel due to bad immune system. While we have tried to cancelled our room reservation (no refund possible yet), i was still hoping to at least ride over each day. However, about an hour ago, our Prime Minister announced that the border will now be closed to non essential travel until July 21. NOT GOOD NEWS FOR US Canadians.
  3. Interesting. Because of Anne's badly compromised immune system (her doc says NO TRAVELLING), we talked to Niagara Shores several weeks ago and explained that for health reasons, we were forced to cancel our room reservation. Heidi told Anne that she could not refund our payment due to lack of funds, but would put our name on a list. We have not heard further.
  4. Looking forward to this event again this year. Planning on going to Motorcycle Supershow and then head to Burlington.
  5. Yes, we rode around ten hours each day and were so consumes by the great roads and scenery that hardly any pics were taken. Carl kept trying to show us how well his Spyder handles the twisties.
  6. Yes, it was an amazing ride over some of Ontario’s best biking roads. A huge thanks to Marcarl who spent days planning the route. Also a big thanks for Carl’s best ribeye steaks that he BBQ’d to perfection. I think this may become an annual event.
  7. So sorry for you Dave. Really hope your chemo process turns out to be worth what you are going through. Sincere best wishes. We will be thinking of you.
  8. P So, here is the update, subject to any surprises in the current weather forecast. Carl will stick with his route and meet-up plans along the way. We may have some rain along the way, but it shouldn’t be too heavy. Because Friday rain still looks very likely and heavy, he will lead us back from the cottage on Thursday rather than Friday, which should be good riding weather. You may want to bring along your long underwear as the the night temperature could be down to 10c. Looking forward to a great ride on some great biking roads and spending the evening listening to tall tales.
  9. Seems like the “no rain” dance may be doing some good. The current forecast is a bit better on Wed but still bad on Friday for the ride home - 10 to 15 mm of rain along the way. So, Carl and I will chat in the morning after the forecast update and decide if it is a go or if we come up with an alternate plan.
  10. . Looks like we all need to join Abdul and do a “no rain” dance. Right now, the forecast is for big rain both Wed and Fri. This definitely would dampen if not totally mess up what could be a great ride, and bad weather at the cottage on Thurs would also be no fun. Carl and I will check again later today and tomorrow to see if the forecast starts to improve. Will keep you posted!
  11. A bit more planning info: As mentioned, Marcarl will plan the route and lead us on an all day ride through cottage country with meetup options along the way, getting us to my cottage for bbq dinner, although if there is a consensus when we get there, we can ride 15 km into Callander where we could have our own group table at Lu Lu’s which is a great eating place. Thurs morning breakfast ride (about 40 min) to Jakes in Port Loring (see Jake’s Place Restaurant) If anyone wants to do the half day Ride Around Lake Nippissing tour, just continue heading east from Jakes The rest of us will return to the cottage to tell lies (I mean stories) or fish or ?? or for anyone interested, ride into North Bay where the Chief Commanda leaves at 1:30 for a 1 1/2 hour cruise, or ride on the Heritage Railway and Carousel in North Bay (see site). BBQ dinner There is a good general store close by that also has beer/LCBO outlet As mentioned, have 3 beds in trailer and 3 in bunkie (not private or fancy) plus good tenting accommodation if anyone prefers that Also have several sleeping bags and loads of blankets (but few sheets) unless you prefer packing your own. For those who want to bomb home instead of following Carl on more great biking roads, we are about 350 km to Toronto So, let’s all do a NO RAIN dance!
  12. A bit more info: as it stands, Marcarl, Saddlebum and Greez007 have spoken for beds. Dogman hopes to join us if his RV trip to the east coast is delayed. Wizard765 hopes to join us if his Millenium is ready. stickhandle2 hopes to join us if he can get the time off. Garyn sends regrets due to an appointment that he was not able to change. The Touch may cage it in his new Mustang. Sleepy2 has no more vacation time. And Cowpuc thinks he should attend his wedding anniversary party. Marcarl is still working on on the route with suggestions from Wizard765 but it will be an all day ride on great biking roads through cottage country. I suggest we ride an hour or so to Port Loring for breakfast or brunch on Thursday at Jakes Place (just search Jakes Place Restaurant). It’s a great breakfast and lunch only place where “lots of good people eat there”. It is also on the Lake Nipissing circle tour route for those who want to complete the two hour (plus stops) recommended ride around the Lake (see the site mentioned in my initial post). Oh, and did I say maybe fishing for those who do that. Lake Nipissing is noted for good fishing.
  13. We will have beverages so can can talk about that.
  14. Right on Ben. And to add, I posted a couple pics of the motorcycle drawn Hearst and Patriot Guard near the beginning of this thread.
  15. Oops - guess I should have stipulated “no loud snorers” for the rider occupying the second bedroom in our cottage, the one with thin wall separating my bedroom. Oh well, I do have some sleeping pills.
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