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Everything posted by Eugene

  1. Makes Poppa and the bike look small.....
  2. The Spanking - The Spanking - what happened to the Spanking?????
  3. I too have heard about that - somewhere - sometime - can't remember where ?!?!?!?!?!?
  4. Spectacular scenery - thanks!!
  5. You are tooooo funny Red - thanks for the chuckles!!!
  6. Ok - here is another item to explore!!! http://www.ridegreybruce.ca/ridegreybruce47.html
  7. For those who enjoy nature http://www.visitgrey.ca/travel-experiences/waterfalls-and-waterways/waterfall-tour/
  8. OK - back on track with sites and stuff http://www.saugeenshores.ca/photogallery.asp Anyone riding up north of Kitchener, here some info on Saugeen Shores - some great dining, great swimming and boating and....and .....and..... No free women though!! MAybe some free men lol
  9. 1) Waterloo farmer's market - BIG!! 2) Peanut/nut shop in St. Jacob's 3) Heidelberg Tavern - sourkraut, pig tails and beer, beer, beer 4) Paisley - beautiful kayaking on the Saugeen river 5) Southampton - Armen's (unique dining) and kayaking on LAke Huron - $25.00 for one full day of kayaking - all equipment included 6) Wiarton Willie - that pesky springtime rodent!!
  10. I ' l l d r i n k t o t h a a a t
  11. mama Hog
  12. Well - then you won't know 8 tracks either - unfortunately - I am that old!! Eugene
  13. Well - I looked at my ancient collection - no luck - sorry! Eugene
  14. Hey Dragonrider I will check my LPs - have a bunch from the sixties and seventies - If I have it, I'll PM ya - wow - been so long since I checked what I've got - this will be memory lane for sure! Eugene
  15. Aha A person has to show up to find out!!!!!
  16. Yes - Yes - Come one - come all Drinks, whips, fairies and who knows what else???
  17. Hey Ken - I'm sure others will give you a more technical approach to this - I can say that this is NOT normal. Eugene
  18. Hey jGorom - I have them on my RSTD as well (with the smoked vents). I'll try to find the model number but may have lost the invoice. I do remember that the pegs and clamps came as a kit and I seem to rmember it was a clamp for a one inch bar. They do come close but work very nicely - I can open and close the vents no problem. Cheers Eugene
  19. Thanks Lonna - that sure helps a lot. I was under the impression they were a lot of work, prep etc - but your suggestions sound great - just pick a date, time and place and go from there!! Cheers Eugene
  20. Wow - where have I been to have missed this one?? Mama - great joke - I had a good laugh reading this - I sure hope I can witness the spanking!!! Cheers Eugene
  21. Awww - alright - it happened to me. It was quite hilarious actually - slow motion, my neighbor pulling into his parking spot watching it happen - we both laughed.... No damage thankfully and I learned (as if I had forgotten) how wonderfully heavy these bikes are!!!!!
  22. A person could be washing their scoot after a beautiful two hour ride along the water. Then with soapy hands, this person could try to roll the bike ahead to finish washing the front wheel. Then, the kickstand could get caught on this person's jeans. Then, the soapy hands could slip and this person could watch with amazement as his scoot gently falls down!! I suppose this could happen........
  23. I had that too - back in 1985. It's not fun trying to eat or drink but.....it usually clears itself up. You should get some drops for the eye that does not close to keep it moist. Good luck!
  24. Looks good - you're ready for a loooooong trip!!!
  25. Congratulations!!!! Keep it up - I rode with a guy in southern Texas - just turned 80.
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