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Everything posted by Eugene

  1. Hi again - I will see how Sunday shapes up - may see ya there for a bit. Eugene
  2. Where will the group be on Sunday? I may have some time then - K/W area is indeed beautiful for riding!
  3. Hey Robert - a bit off topic here but if you live in Southampton (as do I), we should meet up for a coffee! Cheers Eugene
  4. Hee Hee Hee - so froggie wanted to go to Quebec huh? OK - that's as far as I'm going with this one!!!!
  5. Dealer in Guelph has both the silver and yellow in stock. I think they are kind of neat looking - like a bulldog - so ugly that they are cute. I am going to try for a test ride tomorrow - they have a yellow demo there and the saleman said I was welcome to take it for a spin. Retail here is $18,500 - add a couple of goodies (bags, taller windshield, passenger backrest) and you are up to $20,000. Who knows, if I like the ride and I get a good trade value, I may go for it.
  6. Soooooo - if you drop your bike 3 times, you lose your license for 10 years???
  7. Hi Eck - do you mean they have them for the RSTD also? Or the RSV? Steve thanks for trying - Eugene
  8. That's what I inferred - thanks Everete.
  9. Hello all - I did a quick search/read but am still a bit unsure. Are there risers available for a 2006 RSTD?
  10. I would like to hear if this solved the sore neck/shoulder problem. Thanks Eugene
  11. ARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH is right - then the newspapers write stuff like - "alleged" murder and "suspected" murderer - after a busload of people saw him - should do the same thing to him - instead he gets psychiatric testing and probably another year for a trial - I repeat - ARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
  12. I know I should not laugh...but that really is too funny!!! Never had the pleasure personally and I'm sure it would hurt like heck - glad you were safe through it all.
  13. I'd look more closely but gotta go smoke.
  14. Two of my favorites!
  15. Ugh - no pictures - we do not need pics to understand a woman's fury!!!!
  16. Everything you always wanted to know - but did not know who to ask!! http://www.tc.gc.ca/roadsafety/importation/impusae.htm
  17. Oh good - glad I can do that too!! OK - I'm in - I'll ride to my breakfast club.
  18. Sydney, Australia - Because I've never been there and we should support our members there!! Whew - heck of a ride!
  19. Wow - I did it differently - I spun the girl and then....
  20. Hi Lou Thanks for the help. I guess it really comes down to the person on the other end - some seem to go the extra mile - some just don't care. I went up a couple of levels and got every excuse why they could NOT fix the unit (Eugene - it would be much cheaper for you to buy a new unit - yah, sure!!) - I liked the one where they said the unit could NOT be opened - well, after they sent it back, I opened it - surprise!! I got it opened - not very difficult. Then I sent a letter to Miss., one to the U.S. and an e-mail as well. Got back the auto-reply as to how important my e-mail was and that I would hear back within 2 business days. Blah, Blah Blah - that was three weeks ago (or 4 - I lost track). Bottom line, I bought a used 350 from one of the members on this site and will use on the bike it until it pooches out - then move on to Garmin. So we all have differing experiences - it still saddens me to think we all spend hard earned bucks on stuff and by and large the follow-up service is sooooo poor in so many different cases! Anyhow - enough ranting - thanks again, Lou for your kind offer to help. Cheers Eugene
  21. Nice wording on your letter - similar to my letter to Lowrance re: my GPS. Ain't no such thing as customer service anymore!
  22. The market is bigger for the truck Gary - keep the kids!!
  23. Absolutely great video!!!!! I spend winters in Texas so a get-together in October would be fabulous.
  24. Hey Joopie - these look like my pics - I did not go!!! :banana::banana::banana::banana:
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