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Everything posted by Eugene

  1. Well, if I wasn't already loaded up, I'd buy some parts now!! Thanks
  2. Times 4 - way too funny
  3. Hey Squidley - sent funds via paypal (first time!!) Let me know you received and thanks. Eugene
  4. ESPECIALLY on the 401 - many, many trucks!
  5. Yeah - the sucker's effects were even felt waaaaay up here - lots and lots of rain and wind. Seems to have settled a bit right now and the rest of the week sounds like ridin' weather!
  6. I had my dealer handlebar mount a cigarette light thingie - I can use if for ANY GPS, re-charge cell phone etc etc. It has a rubber cover to keep the elements out and cost about $75.00 installed. If it ever stops raining, I'll take a pic. Cheers
  7. Hey Steve Wish I could make an intelligent contribution but that would be against my nature!!! Having just got the Dunlops and only having had Bridgestone before, I really can't comment except to say that there is such a vast improvement in handling and ride. Mind you, I did get about 36,000 kms on my Bridgestone front - went through two rears. As of right now, I could not be more pleased - I stayed with the wider front. Cheers Eugene
  8. Well I replaced the Bridgestones with Dunlops (404) after chatting with Gary a while ago. I cannot believe the difference!! The bike handles more nimbly and I no longer feel those little cracks etc on the asphalt. I did not go with the narrower front this time - may try that next but so far - WOW - what a difference!! Cheers Eugene
  9. Hi Sonny - well that's too bad - perhaps we can join up some other time. I do head towards Hamilton on occasion and if this fall gives us some decent weather, I'll let you know. Cheers Eugene ps - have a safe trip
  10. I seem to be taking too many cold showers with this group, Mini -
  11. Which way are you heading north? I am near the Georgian Bay area so if you are going through Wiarton on Thursday to Tobermory and taking the ferry to Sault Ste Marie, I can meet up with ya for a ride/coffe. Send me a PM or post here - I'll check it first thing Thurs. Cheers Eugene
  12. OKAY - enuff already - where are the moderators???? Rubbing oils on butts, lovely ladies as backrests - I can't take it anymore!!!
  13. Gary - you deserve every ounce of good news!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Eugene
  14. I have friends who winter in Texas and summer in Michigan - they have had the Verizon for a couple of years (card in a laptop) - they have had nothing but high praise for the service - wish it would work in Canada - may have to investigate next winter. Eugene
  15. Don, Don, Don - why do you always take on so much??? We can help you out ya know!!
  16. Oh Boy - 17 more poles to Dairy Queen!!!
  17. Congrats Don -I'm sure you will enjoy peddling your...uh....your....well, your BODY around town! Enjoy - I did the same last year - got a bell - no horn!!
  18. Isn't there also a metal-type thong available? I thought I read about it somewhere??? Mini - where are you????
  19. Ahhh - the dreaded whine - yes - it does drive you nuts -some are worsse than others. From what I've read, mine is a "medium" whine. I started wearing earplugs and that sure has helped a lot - not just the whine but wind noise etc. Cheers Eugene
  20. Gary - what can I possibly add that has not been said already? I am so saddened to hear about this and I can't imagine what you are now going through. You will be in my thoughts and prayers my friend - please feel free to call me anytime to just chat on the phone or I can come down and give ya a big hug in person. Bigger than the last one in Zurich!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eugene
  21. Thanks - always good to have reviews and reminders. Cheers Eugene
  22. Another easy way to remove residue is to rub with peanut butter. I suppose afterwards, you can lick the bike.
  23. OUCH - I hurt just hearing about it!! Isn't it weird how we can hurt ourselves but immediately check to see if anyone was watching ????
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