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Everything posted by Eugene

  1. http://www.lightinthebox.com/Spy-Glasses-With-Hidden-Spy-Camera_p165078.html
  2. HUH? Whatever you said, I agree with - no need to understand!!!
  3. Ahh - no big deal - when you've seen one, you seen them both....
  4. Hey Gary - Ontario visits are not working this year - how about we try Texas???? I just started riding again after surgery and will be heading south Nov. 1 I stay in the Rio Grand Valley in Mission (about 1.5 hrs from Brownsville) - let me know where you are staying and maybe a February visit/ride would work. Eugene
  5. 80-95f???? Wow - when you are done with that - send it over to Ontario please!!
  6. I'm the culprit who mentioned the 30x optical zoom. With the advent of "anti-shake" and "stabilizers", these new superzooms work remarkably well at the long end. 30x may be pushing the envelope a bit but the 24x takes really sharp photos at the long end without a tripod or monopod. Also, the long zoom isn't merely for distance - one can creatively take beautiful landscapes with a superzoom and use the length to help blur foregrounds or backgrounds and you can achieve some creative and attractive bokeh. It really depends on what one wants to shoot and how creative one wants their photos to be. I do agree that the Leica lens are amongst the best!
  7. Ahh yes - been there, done that and don't remember a blessed thing.............
  8. Haven't seen this latest one but they do have smaller cameras up to 30x optical zoom - Panasonic and Canon being amongst the best although most of the newere ones are pretty good. Longer zoom is absolutely a must for any wildlife shots. Cheers Eugene
  9. Hey Gary - Here's wishing the good-looking couple many happy years together.
  10. Thanks for all the replys and suggestions - huess no one has tried this one - Ill look into the other ones. Eugene
  11. Hi all - Read all the posts about the wheel chocks and most deal with Harbor Freight. Anyone hear of this one? Or use it? A bit pricey but apparently adjustable for width. http://steadymate.com/us/product/20/68/steadymate-motorcycle-wheel-chock.html
  12. I like simplicity - I will NOT drink and ride and I will NOT ride with anyone who does - doesn't matter if its one or ten beers.
  13. Likewise - even without guns, they outweigh us and when pissed can be ugly with the car/truck - not worth it ..... but it sure gets frustrating!!!!
  14. Totally agree - be it bikes, cars, houses, toilet paper! Seems really strange to me with such high unemployment how some of these goofs keep their jobs.
  15. I hate humidity as well - however, I have been wintering in Texas for about 5 years. I stay in Mission which is pretty close to the Mexican border. Yes, it does get a bit humid but not unbearable in the winter. Roads are pretty good for riding - a bit flat down south where I am but South Padre Island, Corpus Christi and San Antonio are really nice day trips (San Antonio is 4 hours - the other two are 1.5 & 2.5 hrs resp. each way). Lots of nice quiet ranch roads in the immediate area. Cheers Eugene
  16. I had a new E3 put on the front about a month ago - noticed the "bobbing" or hopping/bouncing type ride and took it back to the dealer right away - he replaced it with another one and the problem was solved. I am not as technically savvy as the rest of the folks here and unfortunately, I did not follow-up on why the tire behaved that way - just to let you know, its happened to me as well. Cheers Eugene
  17. Count me in for a payment "help" if needed. Cheers Eugene
  18. In my opinion - that's the only "sure" fix!
  19. I think I've nailed it down. This week, I'm taking a Vstar 1300T for a test ride. Assuming all the numbers work, I will be trading in my TD - after 4 years, NO MORE WHINING!!! It's truly a shame that with such a luxury bike, we have to put up with all this s--t. Personally, I've had enough - time to move on. Cheers Eugene
  20. Ditto here - never had the basket changed but the hotter it gets, the louder the whine.
  21. I did get past the last one - suits remained the same size - the women got bigger!!!
  22. I think he's right - mine feels like 101HP
  23. Thanks for posting - had a peek - looks interesting!
  24. Any of you guys have time to actually just ride???? :stirthepot:
  25. The Cabot trail pic brings back some fond memories - beautiful place!!!
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