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Everything posted by bj66

  1. We have a rat terrier/bichon cross. Nice combination.....doesnt shed. Temperment is all rat terrier. she is very protective of the house/property and our family. She is also a barker, she looks out the window and barks at birds etc. When the neighbors come over, she barks when they arrive and while they are here she is fine. When they leave she barks and runs to the door behind them. When we go over to their place, she is the nicest dog though. she is finally slowing down, she is now 15 and hearing is going and she has developed cataracts. It will be a sad day when she leaves us. Here is a picture of Tippy laying on the footrest of my recliner.
  2. Ol West is made locally. Its great for big gatherings where there is lots of different tastes. Funny thing is, everybody seems to really like it. Works really good on pork loin sandwiches. When it comes to sandwiches, some of the barbeque sauces have too much bite. Ol West has a nice flavor to it. http://olwestbarbeque.com/
  3. Bob, when you get closer and get things finalized as to when you hit SD, let me know. I-90 is clear on the southern side of the state and quite a drive for me. But if I know when you are coming for sure, I might make it work. Heck its only about 250 miles south for me to hook up with you guys.......
  4. I just got home from Sturgis, had to come home early. Breakfast was a great idea. I hope you had a good turn out again this morning. And Brian you had some good pics, but I got to thinking. How come the ony bike shown was a Harley Davidson? After all this is a Yamaha site. One other observation...."Note to self......orange shirts make you look like a big pumpkin!" Time for me to go on a diet!!!!!
  5. I am heading to you know where tomorrow morning.......thought i'd throw that in there for ya!
  6. bj66

    Star Demo Days

    I agree 100 percent. Yamaha puts their attention on the atv, dirt bike, and the mid price point cruisers. The higher the price tag, the harder they are to sell. Around here you see a few snowmobiles, and a ton of atvs and Rhinos. I dont pay much attention to the crotch rockets etc., but when you talk atvs around here Yamaha is a strong contender. Even though the local Yamaha dealer isnt that great. I went on a Make A Wish poker run last weekend. Of about 100 or so bikes, there were quite a few metrics, alot of road stars, v stars, Kaw Vulcans with an occasional Suzuki sprinkled in. When it came to the full dressers. it was HD hands down. There were quite a few wings, and most of them were older models. And yes there was 1 1st gen Venture. Looks like Yamaha sells most bikes in the 10,000 or less range to me.
  7. bj66

    Star Demo Days

    Maybe the reason they dont test ride the venture, is that they are almost out of casette decks. Once they are gone they will have to discontinue the bike.........If they test it, they might sell too many.........
  8. I got an email showing that Star Demo Days will be in Sturgis again this year. I read all the way through the list of bikes available to test and noticed no Venture AGAIN........I think you can go to the yamaha website and see the list. Click on news and events on the top header. Then click display and demo schedule. It shows places and lists the bikes available to test ride.
  9. Just a quick note, right now we see a lot of deer activity etc. We have the corn fields and unmowed road ditches making it doubly hard to see deer. But when you do see deer watch out, most often it is a doe and she will almost always have 1 or 2 fawns lagging behind. Either that, or she has crossed the road already and the fawns have not yet come across. I had to stop for some fawns the other day at 10:00 A.M. Kind of dangerous, but pretty cool to see.
  10. What I probly shouldve said was something to the extent of "Instead of the fancy phone, maybe you should spend your money on a better car and insurance!"
  11. Today I was driving down 4 lane street in Aberdeen SD. I pulled up beside a beat up car in the lane beside me, and noticed a 20 something year old woman with plenty of piercings driving. The smartphone she was texting on looked to be worth more than the car. I watched for a few seconds and it was ovious she was texting and not paying attention. Since it was a nice day she had her window down, I took advantage of the situation and voiced my displeasure. I said something to the extent "Quit your effing texting bfore you effing kill somebody!!!!" I know I shouldnt have used such colorful language, but I was pissed. her expression was like I hit her in the face with a shovel. And guess what she did. You guessed it, she went right back to texting. Some people....You Cant Fix STUPID.......... After what happened in Sioux Falls earlier in the week, you would think some people would pay attention.
  12. Aside from texting while driving, the kid was driving 60 mph down a very busy street during rush hour traffic, which alone in itself is plain stupid. After the accident he tried to run on foot, which is just as stupid as going that fast. He is looking at possibly life in prison. 1 count of first degree manslaughter, and 1 count 2nd degree manslaughter. 1st degree's max is life in prison, 2nd is 10 years. His bond is set at 100,000.
  13. A rider died today in Sioux Falls. The accident happened last night, there were 5 vehicles involved. The driver that caused the accident tried to run and was caught. He spent his 21st birthday in jail today. The driver was doing 60 mph (in town) and texting when the accident happened at an intersection, and the biker was caught up in the accident. Sad sad day in Sioux Falls. As of right now 10:00 p.m., over 100 people are holding a candlelight vigil in the intersection as I am writing this. The police are still trying to get all the evidence together before reopening the intersection. PLEASE be careful out there people.......I am tired of watching and reading about things like this. I just wish people in cars were as careful as we are.
  14. I plan on coming out the friday before it starts (the 3rd). Not sure how long I will stay, usually weds or thursday. Still staying at Iron Horse Campground. Its pretty quiet, with CLEAN bathrooms and showers. Only downfall is not alot of shade trees.
  15. For me it kind of depends, I usually ride with a few guys more so than a bunch. These same guys and I ride together alot, so we are very familiar with each others abilities and riding styles. I tend to follow pretty close, sometimes probly a little closer than I should. I tend to put my bike directly in the guys mirror in front of me. Just out of his blind spot. He can tell exactly where I am at all times. Plus it is easier for me to see what is going on with him and his bike in front of me (staggered of course). I do this for a few reasons. Most local rides are not so much full of scenery where I am gawking around etc. We ride to get from A to B in places like this. Plus there are usually 3 or 4 of us at most, and it is not uncommon to have cagers driving 75 plus on 55 mph highways. If a cager wants to pass us, he can pass us in one bunch. When I am in unfamiliar territory and the groups size increases, so does my spacing though.
  16. It was shuddering, no squeal. The first time shop foreman rode with me. Second time I took it in one of the mechanics rode with me. We idled around the lot the 2nd time and the rearend was worse than the first time, mechanic told me it was the clutches, so I let them fix it. Its under warranty so I didnt gripe.
  17. The dealer that is fixing my truck, didnt sell me my truck. I bought it from a dealer about an hour away. When I called my origional dealer about my problem the first time the shop foreman was on another call. I talked to my salesman and described what was going on with my truck and he said he'd never heard of such a thing. So when I went into town on a parts run I stopped by the different dealer. The guy was on lunch break, and he just stopped eating his sandwich jumped in my truck and we drove around the lot in a turn. You could feel the slip right away. He added the friction modifier and we tried that for a week or so. It didnt help, so we replaced the clutches. I thought the service guy did a good job, dropped his lunch to help me and I didnt buy the truck there. THis time around, if you held the brakes so the truck would slowly roll forward, you could feel and hear the clunk every time the wheel rolled a revolution. Took it in and they fixed it, and even gave me a 2012 Lincoln MKX to drive in the meantime. I was scared to drive it, awful fancy.....So I hope these clutches fix it. if not I got 30,000 or more miles left on the warranty for the clutches. I'll probly trade it by then......
  18. I split time between the house AC and the swimming pool out back. Went with the kids and cousins that were here over the 4th. I gotta admit the pool was like a 16000 gallon bathtub. But it still felt good.
  19. Shop foreman told me that the clutches are the 2nd most replaced part that Ford has. Often on backorder.....As for the tires, I have the origional tires on the truck yet. I love the truck, rides great, good gas mileage, much quieter than Chevy,Dodge,or even the Toyota. But if this keeps up I may have to look at something different.
  20. had 3 or 4 of them over the years. Tired of getting beat up every time I tried to trade one. Local dealer always had special deals on all the time. Saved a ton to start out, but got killed every time I tried to trade. If you ever want to buy a truck check out the Aberdeen Chrysler Center in Aberdeen SD. I would imagine they have a website. If I was going to buy a truck and run it till it fell apart I would probly shop there. Its not uncommon to see 100 or more new trucks on the lot at one time.
  21. Anybody have troubles with their 2010 and earlier Ford F-150 rearend clutches. I just took my truck in today for the 2nd time to replace the rearend clutch plates. I'm on the 3rd set in just over 28000 miles. The dealer has been good about it, and I'm told it is a fairly common problem. I was told that the rearend clutches have been the same for years and that the tooling used to make them is getting worn which explains the problems. Just wondering if im the only one having this problem or any of you have had it too. In 2011 they came ou with the 6 speed trans, so it may be possible that the rearend tooling has been updated.
  22. I was killing time between appts today, and thought I would run into Wal-Mart to get a few things. When I pulled up in the lot I came across a silver Venture with Wyoming plates parked there. I waited about 25 minutes for the owner to come out but had to leave for the next appt. before he came out. So if any of you were at Wal-Mart in Aberdeen South Dakota today, it would've been nice to talk to you.......
  23. I had that happen to a 1 year old Ford pickup once. It was an ash tree, and it felll across the box. I was lucky, didnt get the cab and saved the endgate. It really sucks though....
  24. I plan on going out. Not sure when exactly. But since I am from South Dakota, I can plan at last minute. I stay at the Iron Horse Campground. Just look for the Sedona Orange HD Road Glide. I ought to be easy to spot.............Oh wait I forgot, this is Sturgis and there will be at least 2 dozen or perhaps more HD's out there
  25. Amsoil, Mobil 1, Redline,Royal Purple, are all synthetics I've read or heard about in the big oil debate. I still have HD synthetic in mine as of now. Will probly switch to Mobil 1 when I do switch.
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