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Everything posted by wm.butler

  1. RSV Gen 2. Need rear tire. Very unhappy w/dunlop D404. Any feedback on Kenda Kruz K673?
  2. Take it from someone who spent the $$ on the factory dunlops:thumbdown:. I got a whopping 4000 miles on them and the rear tire is almost bald. I ran spec air pressure. I was asked two questions from other bikers when they looked at my rear tire: No.1-do you burn out alot? No. 2- how much weight do you carry? I'll let you figure out what my answer was. Anyway, I will opt out on the dunlop 404 this time.
  3. I need a tech support contact phone number for Mikuni. Any help would be appreciated. Bill
  4. Thanks for your input Freebird. I called JCW, they sell aftermarket VW fuel pumps but they want you to buy a fuel regulator also. I took Wizards advice. I spent $6 bucks on fuel line & a filter. Removed the pump & away I went. I wish I would have thought of this idea. I may leave this pump off, well at least for now. I rode to work & back, she runs great not missing a beat. Thanks again you guys I appreciate all the input & special thanks to Wizard:guitarist 2:
  5. Thanks a million! I have spent hours on the phone trying to locate one of these pumps. I even called the Yamaha Warehouse in Wisconsin. Yes they have it in stock but they will only ship to a dealer. Literally I have found this part @ dealerships anywhere from $217-$275 makes you wonder wholesale cost would be???? I have called salvage yards, they want $90-125 for a pump off a 1999. Its true, they have a corner on this market!! I appreciate your info. Thank You!
  6. I checked for continuity I have it. Took off the cap like you said & it looks like a set of pointes inside. They are closed I can work them back & forth but they stay closed. How tough are these things? Is it possible the armiture is burned up from me giving the battery a fast 10 amp boost? Sounds like you've dealt with these pumps before. I just want to make sure its shot before I spend the bucks on a new one. I had a trip planned for this weekend but it looks like its postponed. Bill
  7. I got the relay today. Plugged it in & the engine started briefly & quit. I cranked it & found the pump is not working. Now I need a pump, this thing is like 230 bucks. I checked for used, Pinwall has one but wont guarantee that it works! I just wonder if there is a rebuild kit available.
  8. Yes the first thing I did was check the fuses & discovered the fuel pump is not fused it has a relay. I have no power going to the pump. The relay powers the pump. I think I fried the relay & maybe even the pump.
  9. My wiring diagram shows this relay powers the fuel pump, side stand & a host of other items. I have no power going to the fuel pump. Here is how it happened. I left my key on, killing the battery. I put it on a charger. waited a while battery not up so I put the charger on boost(BIG MISTAKE)! I cranked it a few times with the 10 amp boost I must have fried this relay & maybe even the fuel pump. The fuel pump will not energize, I tried it with 12v direct. Needless to say this is going to cost me big! Anybody out there parting out a 2001 RSV?:crying:
  10. Thanks, CMP was the first place I tried this relay is on National Back Order:crying:
  11. I am looking for a starter/fuel pump relay. Does anyone have an extra or know what dealer might have one in stock? Part number 5EA-81950-00. I need ASAP. If you can help I would appreciate it very much. Bill:thumbsup:
  12. 1. Samson Pipes- backslash 2. Factory Pro Jet Kit (my bike screams now... huge difference)
  13. I used wheel bearing grease on the rear hub assembly & spines. 80w-90 gear lube in the rear hub. I did not notice abnormal wear on splines.
  14. 2001 RSV with 13000 miles. Whirl, whine @ all speeds even 20mph. Its not in the rear, but I can hear it louder near the front center of the bike. The noise quits when I pull in the clutch. That confirms a driveline issue. Sounds like a bad bearing, maybe the one at the front of the driveshaft. I thought by adding the Samson pipes I wouldn"t hear it but no luck. I replaced both tires & lubed the rear hub. This sound is driving me crazy. Anybody out there have success fixing this problem? Could it be the u-joint worn?
  15. I got a factory pro jet kit for my RSV Gen 2. It is CRB-Y92-1.0 part number. Have any of you guys or ladies installed one of these? Just looking for some feedback and or tips. I know I have to dis-assemble tank and remove carbs. How big of a project is this & is it worth it? Someone told me I may need to do this several times until I get the right jet combination. The bike does have Samson slash cut mufflers. Is it worth doing? Bill
  16. These covers look great. Do they intake air? What is the part number?
  17. You have a beauty there Sir. Last summer I did sorta the same thing. I live in southeast Michigan & drove to Virgina to get a bike. It was in a storage unit and went on faith. Sight unseen. Left here on a Friday night got there 7am Sat loaded it drove home arriving Sat night. A true experience but worth getting a 2001 RSV with 12000 miles. Needed a little work but a true find!
  18. I agree with your comments about 5th gear being a bit weak (it is O.D.) I think we both need to install a good tach. I find myself wanting to go to O.D at highway speeds not knowing R.P.M. All in all, these are great all around bikes.
  19. Thanks for the info. I called two local dealerships and they could not give an answer. Wow!
  20. What year did Yamaha start using clear lens on their signal lamps? My 2001 RSV has the amber color & I want to change them out to clear. Thanks for any info you can give. Bill
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