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Everything posted by silverbac

  1. Hey RSTRIDER, We are not sure , but I wouldn't worry about it , as long as everyone is not acting like hooligans there shouldn't be any problems . You and your friends come on down and enjoy the riding that we have down here. People of Hollister are bikers and love bikers . Silverbac
  2. To Everyone, Just want to put the word out that Hollister Rally has been cancelled by the Hollister city council due to high cost for law enforcement ( $300,000.00) , which really isn't needed Sturgis doesn't even pay half that . A little history about Hollister Ca. , In 1947 a bunch of bikers ( 3 to 4 dozen ) were partying and racing there bikes in downtown Hollister . The news media of course made it sound and look worst then it was and Hollywood was inspired to make a movie about it ( The Wild Bunch ). In 1996 a few citizens decide to organize a Motorcycle Rally on 4th of July weekend , well by 2005 the Hollister Independence Rally had attendance of 120,000 bikes attend for the 3 day weekend. The Hollister Independence Rally became the largest Motorcycle rally in the West Coast . The town of Hollster is a good town and a biker town but it has several problems the city council and local law enforcement they don't like bikers or bike rallies . So in closing the town of Hollister has lost a great rally ,but bikers will still come on 4th of July because of the history and the spirit . If any of you have been to the Hollister Independence Rally you kow what I mean . Take Care, Silverbac
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