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Scooter Bob

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Everything posted by Scooter Bob

  1. Thanks for the offer Tom, but I plan on camping right in Luckenbach. You wanna meet for a late lunch Sunday? Later, Scooter Bob
  2. Step 4 done! Made it to MD supper just before 7 with Playboy and his Karen. Just got to the MD site, time to set up camp. Later, Scooter Bob
  3. I'm a little happier with this find. It's about 26 miles east of Foreman, AR. If Joe is ok with no wheels? The next target is... A pic of you and your bike and a hub cap hanging on a building. Happy Hunting, Scooter Bob
  4. I say keep hunting everybody, we can do better than a lawn tractor on a 5 foot pole. Later, Scooter Bob
  5. I found this right away this morning, just west of Corning, AR. But it's pretty lame, I'll keep hunting. This is an excellant target, Joe, I just can't seem to find anything so far on this trip. Within an hour from home I could show you a dump truck, Oshkosh truck, bulldozer, and semi tractor/trailer mounted vertical, all an poles. And a farm tractor on top of a silo. Later, Scooter Bob
  6. Hey Joe, Do Camels count?? They use them for transportation in the desert. The reason I ask is that I've seen a lot of these camel silouettes today (see pic attached below).:crackup: I did see a nice semi truck and trailer around mile 71 on I55 in MO being used as a bilboard, but I couldn't get to it for a pic. I'll keep hunting tomorrow in Arkansas. Later, Scooter Bob The current target is... You, Your Bike and an Elevated mode of transportation, by etcswjoe see examples here... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=668169&postcount=1854
  7. The guy from the SMOKSTAK.com antique engine forum went all out for me. He had 4 of his bigger engines out of the shop and running when I got there, and he has 20 or 30 more smaller ones in the shop. The last pic is of and engine like what is still being used today on several small oil wells in his area. They run 24/7, and have provisions for doing an oil change while they are running.
  8. Step 2 complete! Left Rick and Shirley's about 8am, breakfast just north of Springfield, at the antique engine guy near Sparta, IL a little after noon, left there about 3pm and put on a couple hundred more miles, and ended up in Corning, AR for the night. Good thing I got beer a few miles back at the MO border, cus this is a dry county. I'm sure glad we don't have these alcohol problems in Wisconsin. Looks like about 350 miles to Playboys house tomorrow, and on to TX from there. More to follow, Scooter Bob
  9. Wind was pretty brutal yesterday, but mostly behind me most of today. Thanks Bryan, I'll keep that in mind. I haven't planned a return trip yet, just gonna wing it.
  10. Ya, that's what I was wondering. :confused24:I just put on 80 miles since leaving Rick's in gorgeous sunshine. I guess it's a good thing I headed South , instead of West 15 miles. Later, Scooter Bob
  11. Step 1 done. Got to Rick and Shirley's about 8 and bs'd till midnite. So far so good. Later, Scooter Bob
  12. I wasn't going to do a trip thread this time, since this is a lot like what I did last year, but Karen doesn't visit this site much, and needs to know where to look to find me. So here goes... Bike is already loaded. Planning to leave from work tomorrow afternoon and riding down to Rick Haywood and Shirley's for a little BS'n and maybe a few beers, and a place to crash. Wednesday's plan is to head south to Sparta, IL to visit an antique engine collector and then get near (but not into) Memphis for the night. Thursday's plan is a ride over to SW Arkansas and spend the night at Playboy's place. Friday's plan is to ride with Playboy to the SE TX MD at Kregerdoodle's and maybe stop and see another antique engine collection in Tatum, TX along the way. Planning to stay at the MD till Sunday morning. Then it's off to Luckenbach for Sunday afternoon music, probably ride around the hills Monday and spend another night in Luckenbach. (I really enjoyed Luckenbach last year, can ya tell ) Probably start heading back northerly on Tuesday morning, and wander my way back towards home the rest of the week. Maybe see you on the road, Scooter Bob
  13. Thanks for the updated list, Joe. Did you find my list before you started, or when you got to it??
  14. :sign yeah that: I'm headin' south for a week and a half, and need something to hunt for starting Wednesday. Later, Scooter Bob
  15. I think I found the trick Jeff. I actually mowed the lawn yesterday, and I wake up to 32 degrees this morning. Time to head south.
  16. Oh ya, last night as I'm figurin' out what all bike work needs to be done before I go to the SE TX MD, it dawns on me that I need to get the snowblower off the tractor and the mower put on so the lawn can be be mowed before I get back, or before I leave. This don't happen in WI in March too often.
  17. Yah Jeff, I scheduled my winter getaway for the end of March again, and had a hard time deciding to actually leave and head South this year. But I'll do my part to help you out. I'm gonna leave Wednesday morning for TX, and I'm not even going to take my SNOWMOBILE SUIT with me this year. It's the best I can do to help you out for now. Later, Scooter Bob
  18. Agreed, the chances have slimmed considerably now of any one finding anything else. And I don't want to hold up the game for another 360 some days. Jay wins. What's the next target Jay???
  19. Keith, Andy, and Bill, sorry we lost you. My guess is some of those guys ahead of you wanted to go cool the bikes down a bit, instead of going right back downtown. Glad you made it here, glad to meet you, and hope you had a safe ride home. And I saw Andy taking a pic of the VR section, so hopefully that will get posted soon. Thanks again for coming over everyone, your all welcome here anytime, Scooter Bob and Karen
  20. So...why the post, are ya lookin' for someone to hold the trailer ramp steady fer ya????
  21. All decked out and ready to go. Later, Scooter Bob
  22. Why didn't you go to Hawaii when it was cold up here, instead of waiting for summer. Enjoy the trip, I'm sure you'll have fun after you get there, Scooter Bob
  23. Somehow, I don't think 2 people smoking outside an Irish pub qualify as St Patrick's Day decorations. I liked Jay's dressed up kid more, but let's see what else turns up today. There must some kind of actual decoration out there. Later, Scooter Bob The current target is... A pic of you and your bike and some St Patrick's Day decoration. by Scooter Bob
  24. Parade Day is here. The bike is about done with the decorating. Just waiting for last night's company to rise and shine. Bill (a1bummer) and Ken (920shrek) got here yesterday afternoon, and spent the night. Jeff (redrider) stopped in for a couple hours yesterday evening as well. We solved a lot of the worlds problems last night.:beersign: Anybody else wants to join in today, be here before noon today. We'll have coffee and water and beer and some sodas available. Later, Scooter Bob and Karen
  25. Hard to believe the FBI did all that investigating, and still doesn't know if the money is from an inheritance, or a lottery. What are we paying these people for? Hey Boomer, will you be buying me a new scooter after you get your money? Later, Scooter Bob
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