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Scooter Bob

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Everything posted by Scooter Bob

  1. I know one of these folks, Happy Birthday Kevin! And I will meet Brenda H tomorrow night or Saturday. Everybody Later, Scooter Bob
  2. Hey boss... I can't find a "chalk one up" smilie, but... Another State filled in! And ya know, I still can't change that line below the map in my signature pic to... "State I've been in on a bike, the rest I haven't been in" because I did fly to CA once. Guess I better hurry up and ride there too. (later this summer) Later, Scooter Bob
  3. Knock on wood, I've only had to use the bad boy one time, when a commuter in St Screwy didn't see the "exit only" sign for a mile, and then heads over when I'm lookin' in his window. Boy did his eyes get big fast, And he'll probably sue me for his Chiropractor bill after his head snapped left. But out puttin' solo as much as I do, I think my modulating headlight helps me be seen as well. Later, Scooter Bob
  4. Here's a few pics along US259 near the start of it... That road you see in the middle of the second one is where I came from. The fifth one with the river is in the straighter area of the 65 mile trip to Broken Bow. Later, Scooter Bob
  5. What an awesome ride today! Left Muskogee and headed south and then east to US 59, and the south to US259, and that's when it really got great! The first 20 miles or so wind up and through some mountains, absolutely gorgous, staightens out for a ways, and then gets twisty again for a bit before Broken Bow. I've decided to just follow US259 till I find the other end, and then follow 59 down to about Squidleys latitude, and then work my way over to Waller by tomorrow evening. I'm sitting outside the Super 8 in Longview, TX, where 259 meets I20. 350 miles for the day, 1,250 so far. Oh ya, it was a comfy, sunny 45 when I left, and a sunny 80+ when I parked! Pics to follow... Later, Scooter Bob
  6. Good on him Jeff! Give him a big thumbs up from Me. And you have a much better night's sleep tonight! Later, Scooter Bob
  7. Well sort of, Royal Stars anyway. Hadn't seen any till day 3 (cus DynoDon brought his wing to the Central IL M&E Tuesday) Anyhow, saw a black TD going North on the 59 bypass near Poteau, OK (I think that's where I was). And, there's a red and black TD for sale just North of Longview, TX along US259. Later, Scooter Bob
  8. I'm not sure if the kids here still respect the College Dean, But one guy had enough respect for a wayward biker from WI to take this pic for me. Oh, I'm still in style here with my leather boots! Later, Scooter Bob
  9. You should have, that new jacket would have laughed at that teeny bit of rain I hit after you headed home. You bet! Later, Scooter Bob
  10. Good point. It shouldn't be any harder to hook up than that garbage can Beer30 saw yesterday. There's always Duct Tape. Later, Scooter Bob
  11. It's only 37 now, but it looks like :sun:all day, and I'll be headin' South all day. Going to not smoke marijawanna in Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA right away this morning, and then probably head back to the east side of OK and check out the mountains on the atlas. Then go take a picture and send it to my mother from Broken Bow, OK (that was her CB handle when I was a kid). I plan to end up somewhere in NE TX tonight. Later, Scooter Bob
  12. I know how you feel, I had to turn on the heater in the room twice. It got down to 37 last night.
  13. Where's the fun in that Dan?? It'll show up out there and the tires and bearings will still be good. Glad you can help them out, Scooter Bob PS, we do have members in WA, maybe send them a PM with a link to this thread in case they missed it.
  14. You should have left with me yesterday morning. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=57490 When I parked in Sullivan, MO last night, it was still 68 degrees and I was walking around in sandles drinkin' a beer. It was almost 60 degrees when I left there this morning, and is that nice again here tonight in Tahlaquah, OK. Later, Scooter Bob PS, I hope that crap is done by the time I try to head home next weekend.
  15. One more state to color in! Later, Scooter Bob
  16. Here's a few scenic shots from NW Arkansas. Later, Scooter Bob
  17. anybody lookin for a good used Wing? Sign says it runs? $500 This was on the east edge of eureka springs. And this guy moved here from Jefferson, WI, about an hour south of us. Later, Scooter Bob
  18. Honest honey, it's like I've been telling you all along. I'm really, really not very far from home at all. Later, Scooter Bob
  19. Right On DynoDon, AGAIN! Got on hiway 10 in Jay, OK and ran it to Tahlequah. Great ride along the river, and nothing for traffic. That's where I'm at for the night. Did my shopping this morning, then took a MO13 south into Arkansas, then headed west on 62 through Eureka Springs and beyond, then followed 72(mostly) over into OK. All that worry about putting flat wear down the center after 650 miles of super slab has gone away. I'm sure the sidewalls have caught back up now. A 400 mile day, but very enjoyable scenery. I have a crappy WIFI again, so I'll be posting pics from my phone to the site, and then coming back to the computer just to edit and add smilies. Later, Scooter Bob
  20. Here's mine. Later, Scooter Bob
  21. Good thing I got out when I did. Karen just sent me this pic of our place this morning. Later, Scooter Bob
  22. Ya, and St Louis weather says the temps will be dropping and they might get white stuff over night tonight. Better head farther South today. Actually, I'm going to head to Springfield this morning and stop in at the Grizzly Tool store and check out a couple things I've been thinking about for the garage/shop. Then I may head south to Arkansas for a bit and then head towards Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA. I've got plenty of time, so I think I need to miss all those toll roads in OK. Fuel tax should be enough to cover any damages my bike does to the roads. Guess what honey, I'll be leaving early because I can't sleep. Imagine that. Later, Scooter Bob
  23. Me too, ya think the firewood is still wet, too? Think of the money we save on dog food when I'm gone. I will. Later, Scooter Bob
  24. I was watching for him today, but I guess I went the wrong way. Before he heads back Nort, send him to get some of those Chemical heat packs. On second thought, I know you Jeff, you probably stashed some in his gear when he wasn't lookin' If not, I left some half used ones in El Paso, IL, cus It was way too warm by then. Later, Scooter Bob:Venture:
  25. Bummer, I hope you don't get fired over this. Aren't all plane crashes "pilot error":confused24: Hope you had fun anyway, Scooter Bob
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