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Everything posted by Scooter Bob
Ya, it's all good now. But it was noticably weaker yesterday in the hills.
Anybody got any left side rubber they want to sell??? Wind out of the Northwest, pushing me along a little, but mostly sideways, all day long, 450 miles worth. But some magic ferries or something must have been wrenchin' on the scoot last night and freshened up that top end, cus it sure is running sweet here in Kansas again. Parked for the night in Abilene, KS, right off I70, just over 3,300 miles so far. I saw more oil wells here in KS than I did in TX, and most of them were actually pumping. Wish I could have gotten in this museum I found:banana:, but again, I guess I beat the tourist season. Later, Scooter Bob
After the Gorge trip, I had to haul butt to Big Roy's east of Colorado Springs. He used to live in WI, and I hadn't seen him for about 5 years. Drank beer and BS'd for hours. This is what he gets to look at in the morning out his dining room window. I had 2,850 miles on the trip when I got to Roy's. I thought I might have to head to Billings, MT this morning, but that issue got resolved (sort of), so I headed east for home this morning. Later, Scooter Bob
Didn't know when I would be back this way again, so I just couldn't resist checking out the Royal Gorge Bridge... http://www.royalgorgebridge.com/ Fortunately, it must be too cold for the regular tourists, so it was pretty empty around there. So I really couldn't resist paying the $15 park entrance fee for the priviledge of riding across the bridge and back. I stopped on the way back to take a pic in the middle, but that thing was bouncing in the cross wind so bad, I was afraid to get off the bike. I did get off near the end and take a pic over the railing, but even then I was holding the camera at arms length. I don't like heights, can ya tell? And then, on the way out of the park, I had to ride through a herd of cows that acted like they owned the place. More to come, Scooter Bob
From Texas Creek, I headed east on Hiway 50 in a gorge along the Arkansas River. Still more to come, Scooter Bob
The RSV turned over 80,000 miles right after I left Las Vegas, NM heading for Colorado. That must be the engine life limit, because it started loosing power right after that. When I got up to Walsenburg, I decided I had too much time to kill before Roy got done with work, so I filled up and headed into the mountains on Hiway69 to Texas Creek. Very pretty ride through he valley. Much more to come, Scooter Bob
East bound and down, loaded up and ridin'... Having breakfast in Limon, CO, and hoping the rain blows south before I go any farther east. I'll be running I70 east from here to Topeka area, and then working my way NE. I'll get lots of mountain pics up tonight, but here's Pikes Peak from the gas station near Big Roy's house this morning. Later, Scooter Bob
Dangit Dan, that Billings area is not good for you this year. Please, take care of yourself first, the rest is no big deal at this point. Prayin' for speedy recovery, Scooter Bob
Having lunch right now in Ratan, NM. Way ahead of schedule, and roads look fine, so I think I'll head west on some 2 lanes for a bit and work my way back to CO Springs. Here's a few more pics on the way here... The last one is from the restaurant, in the direction I'm headed. Later, Scooter Bob
What a gorgeous ride this morning. Beautiful sunshine, hardly any traffic, and snow capped peaks to the west since I started out. Later, Scooter Bob
Time to get on the road, gonna head to Miami this morning and look for the ocean, and then right on up I25 to Colorado Springs. Gonna try to get the current scavenger hunt target at the Hooters there, and then head to Big Roys for a shower and go have a few beers and BS'n when he gets done with work. I'll try to post a few mountain pics on the way today. Later, Scooter Bob
Go for it Joe, but remember, it says TWO hooters girls. I expect to be to Colorado Springs with plenty of time to kill before my friend gets done with work, so I'll be hunting later this afternoon too. Expected high of 55 degrees there today, should make for a great pic. If I can get it. Happy Hunting, Scooter Bob The current target is... You, Your bike and 2 Hooters Girls in front of the bar. Bonus points if she's on the bike with you The bonus will get ya either an or a When we cross paths. by Ragtop69GS
Man alive, that's one heck of a snowblower. I wonder how many pieces, and how far it could throw that little bike trailer? Later, Scooter Bob
If it wasn't for the fact that I have hours to kill in a motel room by myself every evening, these trips wouldn't get recorded so well either. And on top of that, there's so many things, funny and otherwise, that I think of while riding and looking around. But when I get parked, the CRS kicks in. Later, Scooter Bob
Dangit, can't even go for a putt in the wall of death without having to worry about getting run over by a cager. What is this world coming to. Cool Video, Thanks, Scooter Bob
I sure hope my neighbors don't take offense and trash my scoot tonight... Later, Scooter Bob
Was seeing some hills while riding through the ranch country, and even more on the way up to Santa Rosa. But heading North from there to Las Vegas, things started getting really purty. Later, Scooter Bob
I topped off the fuel tank and the water bottle before I left Roswell, cus the atlas looked pretty barron where I was headed. Good thing, cus the atlas was right. 32 miles north of Roswell, I headed NE on hiway 20. There is not a town, bar, gas station, or church the whole 70 some miles to Fort Sumner. On the 46 mile run of hiway 20 I met 8 other vehicles. There is one awful big ranch out there. The VV ranch stretched out as far as you could see on either side of the road for at least 20 miles. At Fort Sumner, I visited the Billy the Kid Museum. More to come, Scooter Bob
I did manage to find the Alien Museum, and made it out alive. And I meet another guy that just had to get on the scoot and escape winter for a bit. Oops, can't quite make it out in the pic, He's from Utah. Still more to come, Scooter Bob
That's where I ended up for the night, in the wrong Vegas. A cool ride all day long, but that's all right for me. Others look at me funny, cus they thinks it's too cold to be outside, but oh well. It was about 50 degrees when I left Artesia, and never got much over 60 as I headed north. And then it was cooling off as I climbed in elevation. I think I was around 3,000 feet last night, and up to 6,400 tonight. Only put on about 250 miles today, but that's OK, cus I needed to kill a little time anyway. Right now I'm at 2,480 miles for the trip. For my records, cus I forgot to put it in before... Kregerdoodles, about 1,500 Luckenback, about 1,700 Artesia, about 2,220 I've already brought in my snowmobile suit to warm up. Supposed to be 34 degrees here in the morning, I think I will just head for Miami right away. More pics to follow, Scooter Bob
Oh no, now they tell me... There's more than one, and guess which one I picked...:buttkick:myself again Later, Scooter Bob
It's cold, (42 degrees, American, when I rolled in), I can't find a casino anywhere, no show girls, and not a single stop light on the strip. Later, Scooter Bob
Change of plans, I think I'll go try my luck in Vegas! Later, Scooter Bob
2 hours later, I still haven't made it to downtown Roswell. I spent an hour or more riding all the way around the Air Center, taking pics of dead planes, and some live ones. I think those were C130s flying in and out? Later, Scooter Bob
Will do Tom! 25 miles from Roswell. If you never here from me again, you'll know what happened... Do do, Do do, aaabducteddd Later, Scooter Bob