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Scooter Bob

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Everything posted by Scooter Bob

  1. I guess I better get another coat of laquer on the woodwork. Seriously, Lookin' forward to seein' everyone again. Later, Scooter Bob and Karen
  2. I think will just give them numbers in order of arrival. We'll figure something out. I haven't done that one yet, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last month? Should be plenty of folks to help you take it apart though. Seriously, I'd be surprised if someone here hasn't done it already. I saw some of one apart at the TX MD 3 weeks ago, and I've heard it's not too tough. Bring it on down, and I'm sure we can get it fixed up. Later, Scooter Bob
  3. Ya, I'd jump on that grenade for you, Scooter Bob
  4. I heard there was a lot of fancy stuff you could do with those things but... I didn't know you couldn't talk on them. Couldn't resist, Later, Scooter Bob
  5. Sweet. I just sent my Oshkosh by Gosh Tux to the cleaners. Lookin' forward to it,and I hope we can figure out how to make it that weekend. Congratulations, Scooter bob and Karen
  6. We would love to see you again Yooper. Lookin' forward to it, Scooter Bob and Karen
  7. Oh ya, gotta add that "safety" pole too. Karen and Sheri will love me for that! Later, Scooter Bob
  8. Almost ready. Got to sand and add a couple more coats of lacquer to the top and get that 32" flat screen to fill that empty hole on the wall. http://tapa.tk/mu/a6b54021-18bc-db01.jpg Later, Scooter Bob
  9. Wah, snowin' here right now! I wanna go back to Texas...NOW! Later, Scooter Bob
  10. I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there! ROFL Sorry Dan, I just couldn't resist. Get well soon! Later, Scooter Bob
  11. No Hooters around here. If nobody else gets this soon, I'll just call up one of several bikers I know that spend time behind these fences everyday for pay. Hey Mike, Would I get extra credit for... Me and my bike and a prison guard and his bike and the prison in one shot?? Later, Scooter Bob
  12. Ya, that's the one I was thinkin' of. Later, Scooter Bob
  13. Just my luck! The guard shift change is different than mine! But it was a nice tour of the Wi penal system. Here's the Burke Center... http://tapa.tk/mu/a6b5402f-2077-c41f.jpg Waupun Correctional (the walls)... http://tapa.tk/mu/a6b5402f-20ca-8ad1.jpg Dodge Correctional... http://tapa.tk/mu/a6b5402f-2107-86eb.jpg Fox Lake Correctional... http://tapa.tk/mu/a6b5402f-2160-e729.jpg But no guards, wah:crying: Somebody else will have to give it a try. But plenty of razor wire! Later, Scooter Bob
  14. Probably came in handy when stuck in that snowstorm waiting for his dog to show up. Sorry Jeff (RR), I forgot your dogs name. Later, Scooter Bob
  15. LOL! I was wonderin' if they'd be worryin' about an upcoming prison break with me takin' pictures of the place. Later, Scooter Bob
  16. Ya, I figure I'll try to get them at shift change. Trouble is, I don't know which one to go to? There's at least 4 within 12 miles of here, prison city of Waupun is just up the road. Would you prefer min, med, or max? Later, Scooter Bob
  17. Glad to here it Dan! Good luck on the 2nd opinion! Later, Scooter Bob
  18. WELL! IT'S ABOUT TIME! Just kiddin', Glad you made it out of the snow, and home safe. Later, Scooter Bob
  19. Sure! You'll be enjoying a nice sunny ride today while I'm stuck at work ! Wah! Glad you made it out OK! Later, Scooter Bob
  20. What he said! Have a safe ride home, when you can ! Later, Scooter Bob
  21. Karen won't let me take it out of the bedroom???? Later, Scooter Bob
  22. Ya hey, kinda like me building a bar in the garage instead of the lift adapters so we can actually do some wrenchin' at our MD! Later, Scooter Bob
  23. Thanks, I had to make sure it would hold up when Bubber and IH Truck Guy get into it over which gen is faster! http://tapa.tk/mu/a6b54049-2034-d2b8.jpg Just needs a little trim work, some good paint on the step, lacquer on the top, and put in the stainless kick panels, and it's good to go! We can't wait for the fun to begin! Later, Scooter Bob
  24. Ouch, glad I missed all that stuff! Might have to put some spike screws in those tires like the ice racers do???? Seriously, be safe, and good luck! Later, Scooter Bob
  25. Great strides made today and last night in getting the garage ready for the big event. Later, Scooter Bob
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