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Scooter Bob

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Everything posted by Scooter Bob

  1. Might be a change of plans Bill. I've been struggling with a bit of a herniated disc at L5-S1 for a couple months now. Had an MRI sceduled yesterday morn, but a few hours before that, I sneezed and blew it out big time. Off work Wed- next Tues at least, and going on the rack for decrompression therapy tomorrow morning. Hammerin' 4 hours on the scoot, or even the truck, is most likely out of the question for this weekend, unless the RACK turns out to be a miracle cure tomorrow. Have a great time for us, and best of luck to the both of you, Scooter Bob and Karen
  2. So, Bryan, when is that big group ride to the Frontier???? Later, Scooter Bob
  3. Ya, What he said.
  4. Karen and I will be on our way back from Bill (A1Bummer) and Jeanne's wedding barn dance reception near Chetek. If you're ridin' west, maybe we could meet up? Later, Scooter Bob
  5. Lots of different plastics and not metalic materials here...http://www.mcmaster.com/#
  6. You always bring the newly sewn tent and we could tear into it Friday night already??? Later, Scooter Bob
  7. Is anyone looking to change tires???? If there's only a couple to do, we can just take the rims down the road 8 miles and Benny will swap the tires for $10 each. If there's more than that, I can try to get one here and bolted down. Just let me know if you want to do tires. If you do, you can have them shipped here if you would like. They'll only have a couple thousand miles on them by the time you get here. Another might be fun thing to do if anyone wants to...The flat screen over the bar can do slide shows off a USB drive. If you want to run trip pics on there for a while, put all the JPEG pics in a folder called DCIM on the thumb drive. Let's see where everyone's been. If you haven's already done so, please sign up in the calendar so we know how much food and stuff to plan for...http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=240&day=2011-6-11&c=1 See you all in a few weeks, Scooter Bob and Karen
  8. How's the barn fixin' going? Is it going to be ready in time? Karen and I are planning to attend, and would like to pitch the tent. See you next weekend, Scooter Bob
  9. Since Big Tom didn't say what he sent in the PM, and for others that find this thread... Not quite, You say your CB antenna is on the right, so follow that cable and it should go to the plastic box under the trunk. What we're both trying to say is, the CB antenna must be connected to the CB box under the trunk. The antenna itself should work from either side of the bike, you'll just have to explain yourself at every venture gathering. Later, Scooter Bob
  10. Jeff, send her best wishes from Karen and I. Later, Scooter Bob
  11. Here in the states you can mix it any % you want:scratchchin:. Good Night Annie. Later, Scooter Bob
  12. Hey Dingy, Can you talk the doctor into a two for one deal?? I have issues right now at L4-L5. Chiropractor is getting some relief, but not nearly enough yet. I had your procedure done at L5-S1 back in '95. It took me one extra day to get walking, they figure due to the amount of time I suffered with it (stubborn:bang head:), the nerves were having problems NOT being pinched anymore. They gave me 6 weeks off of work, but after 3 weeks I was in the basement working on my Shovelhead engine on the work bench. Good Luck, Scooter Bob
  13. Just my humble opinion here... Any targets that involve people instead of things seem to bring this thing to a crawl. Just my $0.02, Scooter Bob
  14. Gas is Cheap! Psychiatrist Office Visit....$ 150 for 1 hour Ride 450 miles...$ 40 for 9 or 10 hours You do the math! Good on ya Bryan, I won't tell. Just my , Scooter Bob
  15. Ya, what he said. I use it on my Android smart phone. It's a real clean interface for checking into the site, and you can post new threads and reply as well, and post pics(although they go away after a few weeks:scratchchin:). The biggest thing I miss is you can't put smilies in your posts. Later, Scooter Bob
  16. Good one, I was expecting her to say she had to call the doctor! Later, Scooter Bob
  17. Looks like this guy needs to see this thread, or isn't there enough room. Squidley Cupcake incogneto Supporting Member Couldn't stop my fingers Brad , Scooter Bob
  18. Good deal. Will you be fixed in time to finish the course? Later, Scooter Bob
  19. Ya, I thought that was pretty strange also. Later, Scooter Bob
  20. I just called and left messages with Flyin Fool and JeMorrisonjr in that area to see if they have a spring laying around. Also left a PM with wkoepke in Racine. Good Luck Greg, Scooter Bob
  21. Prayers sent for you and Gary, and the girls family, Deb. Karen was on the local EMS for 18 years, and still on the FLFD. We'll probably run into a few members this evening that had to take care of a motorcycle accident (no not an accident, a killing) yesterday afternoon about a half a mile out of our little town. 18 year old kid in a minivan crossed centerline and killed a biker from 5 miles west of here. I don't know what it will take for folks to pay attention when driving. Later, Scooter Bob and Karen
  22. Thanks for the support guys! Junior headed for the raindow bridge about quarter after 11 this morning. Ya, that was one of the hardest things I've been through. We'll miss him! RIP Junior, Scooter Bob and Karen
  23. Southwest, Delta, American Airlines?? Fly and Ride. Should be home in a couple days. Later, Scooter Bob
  24. You're not kiddin'. We think Junior (see post #5 of this thread) had a stroke yesterday afternoon. Staggers when he tries to stand or walk, and is always leaning to the right. He just lays there half scrunched up, but his head up and seemingly starin' off into space. We're waiting for a call back from the vet for an appointment now, but we're pretty sure it will be his last visit. Thanks for the poems, they are helping, now I need another kleenex. Later, Scooter Bob
  25. Did you remember to add this to yer list... I should Duck Tape a block of wood to the top of my left boot toe. Oh wait, this involves wood, did I just reply to the wrong thread. Best of luck on the project Jeff, sounds like you've taken most of the bites out of that elephant. Later, Scooter Bob
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